the truth

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Mike's POV:

I got messages from Charlie, y/n's brother. He said that he talked with her and she's willing to listen to me.
I wonder how much truth there is to that. But I won't pass up the chance.

Charlotte let me borrow her car, I drive to y/n's house and hop out.

Why must there be two Charlies? It gets confusing.

I walk up to the front door and knock, before walking inside. Y/n comes out of her room and leans on the kitchen counter.

"No one else is home. My brother left" she said.

I nod.

"I wish the other Charlie could do the same" she adds.

I furrow my eyebrows and scoff at her remark. "How could you say that? You don't even know her. You don't know what she's doing here"

"Why don't you explain it to me then?"

"I could've done that earlier, but you didn't give me a chance". I go on, "she's an old friend from my childhood. She came to visit me to help me with something"

"Like what?"

I can't tell her.
I can't have her getting involved in this.

"I can't exactly tell you y/n"

"Why? What kind of secrets are you keeping from me?"


Your POV:

I don't like where this is going.


"Love, I'm sorry I cancelled our plans last minute. I know I've been really distant. But there's something big going on."

"Why can't you just tell me?" I ask.

"I just can't. This is really important"

I scoff, "more important than me?"


He looks at me with hurt eyes.

"It's all about you isn't it? Everything's always about you"

"Mike......" I sigh, "if you could just talk to me. Tell me what's going on........then I can help you with whatever you're dealing with. You don't have to go through this alone.
I've always been here for you Mike.
I haven't seen you in like a week. And when I finally do, you're with another girl" my voice breaks.


His eyes space out. He stares at the floor with an empty gaze.

"You need to understand that I would never cheat on you y/n. I have experienced that first hand and I would never wish it on anyone. And I could never do it to you.
But what I said before is true.

Everything is about you.

Everything I do is for you.

I can't tell you what's going on. But you will find out soon enough. Until then, I need you to stay away from me.
Do it for my sake and yours."

That cut me like a knife.

He slowly turns and leaves.

"Wait" I say. I grab hold of his shirt, turning him to face me.

"I don't understand" I whisper with a heavy heart.

He looks down at me, and I scan his eyes for any meaning. Only to be met with a wall.
His eyes are empty. Like I've never seen them before.

"It's best that you don't" he says in a deep tone. He leans down to my face and takes my jaw in his hand.
He glances at my lips like he wanted to kiss me.

But he sighs, stands back up straight and lets go of me.

"Goodbye y/n" he mutters and turns away.

I stand in the doorway as I watch him walk away and get in the car.
He turns on the car and glances at me one last time before driving off.


I lean on the doorframe with my back and sink to the ground. I cross my arms and rest them on my knees, and lay my head down.

As I stare out onto the street, his words echo in my head.


I'm confused. And sad. And angry.

Does he hate me or something?

Is this really how we end?

What I saw at Will's house just lines up with everything else that's been going on.

So can I really believe a word he said to me?

I'm hurt.

All I wanna do is disappear right now.

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