peace of mind

255 7 20

Time skip to 1 month later

A whole month of being grounded has passed and I'm so glad it has.

I haven't been able to hang out with anyone in so long.
Well it wasn't really that long.
But considering all the new friends and stuff that's been happening, I couldn't wait for this day.

It's a Saturday morning, I've invited all of my friends (and whoever they want to invite) to hang out tonight.
We've made plans to go swimming at the river later, the weather's going to be really nice.

But for now...... you guessed it. I'm heading to Mike's house.


I get dressed in light clothing and do everything else I need to get ready.
Into my bag, I pack my towel and the bikini I bought ages ago at the mall. This is actually gonna be the first time I wear it since I bought it.

I'll just skateboard down there.

So when I'm ready I grab my board and head for the door.

But I'm stopped just before I walk out.
"Where are you off to y/n?" Mum asks curiously.

"Just going to a friend's..." I reply cautiously.

"Would this 'friend' happen to be your boyfriend?"

I can see a smirk slowly forming on her face, which made me smirk.

And I nod in response.

"Okay," she continues, "well I was wondering if he would like to come over for dinner tonight? Maybe we can finally meet the boy you've been chasing after this whole time?"

My brain pauses.

I can't believe she just said that.

I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that.

But I think for a moment, and to be honest I think it's a good idea.

"Uh.. sure? But the thing is, we have plans with our friends tonight." I say.

"What about lunch time? Do you guys have any plans now?"


"I'll invite him over" I say and I go and sit down and hop on my phone.

I call his number. And after a minute he picks up.
"Hey whats up? You coming down?"

"Actually, my mum was wondering if you'd like to come over and have some lunch with us. And meet my parents......."


"Uh yeah of course. What time?"

"Whenever is fine. You can come now if you like. Or just whenever"

"No worries. I'll be over there soon then."

"But Mike, are you sure you're good with it?"

"Yeah of course. I think its about time I meet your parents anyway. I'm assuming they know nothing about me" he laughs.

"Alright. See you soon then" I say and then hang up.

I hope he doesn't find this whole thing awkward.


He pulls up around 10 minutes later.

I open the door for him.
"Heyy" He mutters softly to me as he walks in.

My mum walks over.

"Hello Mrs (L/n). My name is Michael"

"Hello Michael it's nice to meet you!" mum exclaims.
She always switches to her nice personality whenever we have guests.

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