loud silence

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Some time later


Me and Mike have been together for some time now. A few months to be exact. And I'm the happiest I've ever been.

But I've noticed that lately he's been acting a little......strange?

I don't know. Maybe I'm exaggerating.


11:54 pm

I show up to the night shift. A few minutes early as usual.

And as usual, I turn my head to see my beautiful boy walk in to the office of Freddy fazbear's.

"Heyyy" I say as I walk up to him.

He doesn't say anything. Just smiles and wraps his arms around me.

That's what I mean by 'strange'.

He's been a lot less talkative lately. And a LOT more 'touchy feely' with me.

I grab one of his hands, prominent veins showing, and slide it under my shirt. He snakes both his hands up the back of my shirt and pulls me in for a brief kiss.

When we pull away, I stare into his soft blue eyes. Trying to find something. Anything at all.

"Is everything alright Mike?" I ask casually.

He cups my jaw with one hand and nods, "of course".


Then he walks over to the monitor and starts checking cameras, while I go and sit down in my chair.


2:48 pm

We're about halfway into the shift now.
Mike hasn't taken his eyes off of that monitor.

Without turning around, he asks, "Are we still on for Saturday?"

"Yeahh of course. Where are you taking me?" I exclaim.


It can be anywhere you want."

"Anywhere?" I say

He nods his head, whilst staring at the screen.
So I start to think.

Where could we go.....


I'm very indecisive when it comes to this.

"I can't really think of anything. Why don't you choose?" I say.


"I'll take you out then. To dinner. Or something like that.

Sound good?" He mutters.

"Oh I was thinking something more.. 'you not spending all your money on me' type of date"


"Oh darling don't be ridiculous" he said, his British accent purring.
I half- smile at his remark.


After a while an awkward silence fills the room.

I need to break it.

"Michael are you sure everything's alright? You seem a little off lately" I say, my voice raised slightly.

He turns around to glance at me for a second.

"Yes everything's fine. Now I don't wanna see you worrying about me. You understand?"

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