the talk of the school

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Your POV:

I wake up early today. I somehow managed to fix my sleep schedule (don't even know how).
And I have to get ready for school.
The weekend flew right by me.

I look in the mirror. My cuts look like they're starting to heal.
I turn my head, only to reveal that the hickeys on my neck have gotten darker.
Not that I mind. I don't mind at all.

I just don't think that the teachers would deem it as appropriate.
Mike practically wrote his name on my neck.

I'll cover it up. Just in case.
I wouldn't want any dirty looks from the teachers. Let alone the other students.

I find whatever makeup I have in my drawers and do my best in covering them up.


When I got ready I grabbed my things and took the bus to school.

I was actually getting looks from people sitting around me on the bus. Older kids.

Did I really do that bad with the makeup?

I bring my phone out and use the camera to check.
It looks fine. I wonder why they glance at me. It seems like they're whispering about me too.


Just what I needed.


When I hopped off the bus at school, those kids that were whispering came up to me.

"Aren't you the girl that bashed that other chick at the party?" asked one of the boys.

It was a few boys and a few girls. I think they could be one grade above me.

"Yes?...." I say, with one eyebrow raised.

"That was pretty tough" he replied. "What's your name?"

"Y/n" I answer.

"Do you wanna hang out with us sometime y/n?"


"I'll consider it" I reply.

"Well see you around" he says and their group walks off.

So that's why they were whispering.

What do I need more friends for though? I have a perfectly good group. But like I said, I'll probably consider it.

Speaking of friends, I see my group coming over right now.
They come over and greet me, Niki gives me a hug.
"Y/n do you know what you have caused?" exclaims Niki.

"What?" I laugh.

"You're the only thing people are talking about right now. Well among the older kids anyway."

"That's so weird." I reply.

But then she goes, "Wait.... is that?........"

She comes closer to me.

" *gasp* are those hickeys?" She exclaims quietly.

"Wait what?" I swipe my neck with my hand and look at it.
There's no makeup on it.

"But I covered it up with makeup!" I exclaim.

Then I realise. I look at Niki's sleeve.

"Oh it came off when you hugged me!" I say.

"Oh sorry y/n! Come on, I have makeup in my bag. We can redo it in the bathroom!"

She drags me along and Matilda follows, leaving Jack to go find something else to do.

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