the invite

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Your POV:

That kiss. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It had me losing sleep the last few nights.
It just kept replaying in my head.

Me and Mike haven't even talked about dating.

But I do like him.

But I don't know what to do.
I've never had a boyfriend before. I don't even think anyone's ever liked me before.


It's a Thursday today. As usual I'm at school just trying to get through the day.

When the bell rings for the end of the day, I check my phone.

No new messages

I catch the bus home.
I walk to my room and dive into my bed.
And I lay in bed for a few hours checking my phone every now and then.

I usually spend my afternoons alone after school. Because by the time school ends, my social battery is practically dead.

But that changed when I met Michael.

My social battery never dies when I'm around him.
I always want to be around him. Every minute of every day I spend thinking only about him.

Still no new messages from him.

Another 30 minutes passes.

*Ding Ding*

A message.
From Mike.


Mike 🤍


Hey what's up

Y'know my friend Will?


He's having his 18th bday party next weekend and he invited us both.
Are you going?

That would be really cool. But what about my parents? What if they found out I went to a party with a bunch of 18 year olds?

If you didn't tell them, how would they find out?

Idk. Its just that if they somehow did, they'd never let me out of the house again.

Well then we'll have to make sure they don't find out.
Are you going to drink?

Ofc I will. Who goes to a party and doesn't party?

Just wondering. You'll have to stay over at my house if your going to drink a lot. You can stay as long as you want or until the hangover wears off.

Yeah that would be helpful, thank you.

Also if your going to show up, your coming with me in the new car.


Well your not planning on skateboarding there are you?

good point lmao
When is the party?

Saturday at his house on 7


You working tonight?

Of course

See you tonight then x


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