The car

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*2 weeks later*

Your POV:

My school holidays have ended and I'm really disappointed at that. But for once in my life I've actually enjoyed the holidays.

Yesterday was the first Monday of school. It wasn't too bad. As long as I get to see my friends, I'm fine.

Today is Tuesday and right now I'm sitting in 3rd period. I think it's maths or something? I don't know I never really pay attention.

I started to daydream. I'm not sure what I was thinking about. Probably Mike. I felt like texting him right now to come and take me away from this prison.

Suddenly my daydream was interrupted when the teacher asked me to answer the question.
I looked on the whiteboard to see if I could get the answer from somewhere.
Then I looked back at the teacher and muttered "I don't know".

"Well that's not good enough. You need to pay attention to this or you'll be getting detention if you don't do any work." The teacher said.

I looked at Matilda sitting next to me and I rolled my eyes. She did the same back.

Then I went back to my daydream. And that's what my whole day at school was like.


The bell finally rang for the end of the day so I said bye to my friends and went to go wait for the bus.
While I was waiting, I was on my phone and saw that I got a message.



Hey y/n are you doing anything after school?

Hey. No why?

Come to my house, I've got something I want to show you

Alright I'll be there in about 20 mins


I wonder what he wants to show me.

A few mins later my bus gets here and so when I hop on I tell the bus driver, "I'm getting off at a different stop today"

He nods his head in reply.

I find my usual seat and sit down. Jack catches my bus some days. I looked around for him and eventually he piled on to the bus with all the other kids. I called out to him and gestured for him to come sit near me.

He sat on the seat in front of me and we talked.
The bus drove right past my house and Jack looked at me, "not going home today?"

"Nope" I said with a smile.

5 more mins later and the bus stopped on Mike's street. I said bye to Jack and got off the bus.

It was a 2 minute walk down the street to get to his house. And when I did, something caught my eye. Mike's car wasn't even here.
In fact, a different car was standing in it's spot.

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