His house

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*fast forward to 1 week later*


Mike and I have become good friends now, not just coworkers. We see each other all the time. It makes me wonder if he ever gets sick of me.

But my parents have been suspicious of me lately.
They say I've been happier.
My friends say the same.

I don't think anything of it. I made a new friend. Of course I'm happy about it.


11:37 am

I'm not working tonight so I was trying to plan out something for today.
As I was thinking, I got a text from Mike.



Hey y/n i was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out at my place today?

Sure I'm down :) what time?


Works for me. Is your house far from mine?

It's down the road from the park. But I can come and pick you up.

No it's fine I can skate

Its no problem for me to come and get you.

And it's no problem for me to ride down there

Ok fine. Have it your way

;) Send me your address then 


I spent like 15 mins just trying to pick out an outfit. It's sad really.

I brushed my hair and decided to leave it out today. Then I chucked some things into my bag and grabbed my skateboard. Don't forget my airpods. I throw my board down and jump onto it.

(Any song of your choice) starts playing through my airpods as I cruise down the street.

I skated past Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, and past the park. I check my phone again to make sure I remembered the address right. I took a few turns down the street.

For a second I thought I was lost. I kept riding and then I accidentally found the right street. I slowed down a bit to read the house numbers and I eventually found it. The second last house on the street.
It was a nice big house, a lot better than mine (obviously because his family is rich).

Before I could knock on the door he opened it.

His face kind of lit up when he saw me.

"Hey shortie"

"Come on I'm not that short" I scoff.

"You are though"

"Can I come inside now?" I said slightly pushing him aside.

"Of course, come in" he laughed "But let's go before my little sister sees you"

"What do you mean? Don't you want me to meet her?"

"No trust me, YOU don't want to meet her" he said.

Well I just go with it. I know what siblings are like.
I would've said the same thing if he ever came over to my house.

He gave me a quick tour of the house (except for his sister's room of course).

"My parents have gone out today so they made me stay home and babysit their kid" he told me.

"Ahah so that's why you invited me over" I laugh.

We went upstairs to Mike's room.

I walk in. He has a big room, and his room was filled with his smell. It's kind of.......nice? Not trying to be weird though.

"You can dump your stuff wherever you want" he said.

I put my bag in one of the corners near his wardrobe. He sits on his desk chair and I sit on his bed. For a few minutes I just look around the room. Then I notice he's got a game console set up next to his tv.

"Oh you've got a (name of console)?" I say.

"Yeah do you wanna play?"

"yesssss what games do you have?"


*A few hours later*

4:00 pm

It was the afternoon. Mike was sat in his chair scrolling on his phone and I was walking around his room looking at his stuff. Such an interesting room. Every now and then I picked up his things to look at them.

Then I started walking in circles and then I flopped onto his bed.
"Are you bored?" he asked

"No" I replied

"You don't have to pretend."

"I said I'm not bored"


"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah a little" I said

He went down into the kitchen and I could hear him looking through the fridge and in the cabinets. Then I hear footsteps coming back up.

"I"ll just order us some Uber eats. What do you feel like?" He asked.


5:39 pm

Our food finally arrived. I had ____________(your favourite food).

We both sat on the bed and chose a Netflix series to watch while we ate our food.


Michael's POV:

We had watched about 6 episodes of the series and it had gotten late. I looked at my watch and it was past 8:00 pm.

Suddenly I felt something on my shoulder. I looked and her head was leaned on my shoulder.

She had fallen asleep..............

What am I supposed to do? Do I wake her up ?....... No but she looked so comfortable. No but wouldn't her parents notice she was still gone? I have no idea what to do in this situation.

I gently pushed her off my shoulder and layed her onto my pillow. I grabbed the blanket and threw it over her and turned the tv off.

Then I went to go find another blanket for myself. I have a couch in my room so it looks like I was gonna have to sleep on that tonight. It didn't bother me though.

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