The second night

540 13 3

11:30 pm


Second shift.

I turn my alarm off and get up to start getting ready.
Putting on the uniform.

I jump on my board and skate down, having to use my torch just to see where I'm going.

I get there a few minutes before he does.

"Good evening miss, or..... good night?"

I laughed at that. It wasn't even funny. I checked the time on my phone. It was 11:57.
"No idea" I reply.

He stared into my eyes for a moment as he was unlocking the door. But this time I stared back.

We walked into the building quickly and got to the security office. We took our place in our chairs and he turned on the monitor and started doing his thing.
I just looked at the things all around the room. Michael told me to just sit back for now as the animatronics weren't going to be active for a little while.

I scooted my chair closer to his so I could watch the monitor too. We both had our eyes fixed to the screen.
After a few mins my left leg started to bounce, I was getting anxious again.

Michael was still staring at the screen then I suddenly felt a hand on the top of my knee...

I glanced at him and he didn't even look up. He had his eyes on the screen the whole time. He must've noticed I was worried.
My leg stopped bouncing.
I stare at him and this time he turns his head and looks into my eyes. I could feel my face turning red.

I don't know how long it went for but the eye contact was broken when we heard some loud noises in the hallway. He pressed the button to slam the door shut.

All throughout the night he let me push a few buttons and close doors. I think I'm getting the hang of it.


Fast forward to 6am

"And she survived the second night" He said as we walked out of the restaurant.

I laughed and we talked for a minute.

Then I grabbed my skateboard.
Before I jumped on I looked back at him and exclaimed "See ya! Talk to you later"

"Will do, have a good day miss ;) "

I skated back home with a smile on my face. When I walked into my house, I was greeted by my parents, "good morning, how was work?

"It was alright"

"Just alright? That's the first time we've seen you smile in a long time"

Immediately my smile faded.
I didn't know what to say. The only thing I managed to get out was "oh?"

I hurried up to my room before they could ask anymore questions. Then I locked my door, jumped onto the bed and got my phone out. I went onto messages.



Goodnight Michael

Just call me Mike, all my friends do.
Goodnight y/n


I ended up sleeping through the morning because I was really tired after that night. I really managed to mess up my sleep schedule.🙄

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