a normal day?

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Your POV:

The morning sunlight streamed through the curtain of his window.

I open my eyes to see him lying next to me, still asleep. I take the time to play with his hair.
This was probably the first normal night I had since....since I stopped working.

I can't believe Freddy's is gone. I'll never have to work there again.
Mike explained to me what happened. I still can't wrap my head around how much stuff was going on. How much stuff he was gatekeeping from me. I always knew there was something off about the pizzeria. But I could've never imagined any of this.

He's put up with a lot.

He rolls over to face me as he wakes up.

"you feeling alright?" I whisper.

He smiles in reply.

I sigh of relief.
I think he has PTSD from the last few horrible events.


~flashback to the middle of the night~

"Charlie! CHARLIE!"
I was woken up by Mike panicking.
He violently sat up in bed, gasping of fright.

I quickly sat up beside him, and tried my best to comfort him, "Mike Mike I'm here. Everything's okay".

I gently rub his back, while he makes an effort to calm down.
"Charlie's okay. Nothing is going on. It's all over" I add.

Over a few minutes, his breathing slows and he eventually lies back down. I lie back down with him and move my head to rest on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat.
"it was just a stupid nightmare" I whisper. I look up at him. He's still awake. Staring at the ceiling.
I feel bad for him.

He runs his hand through my hair while we lay there together in his bed.

Eventually both falling asleep again.


~end of flashback~


He shifts me closer to him, and leans over to plant a kiss on my jaw.

But then he.....starts to leave?
He moves to get up out of bed.

nuh uh. I grab onto his arm before he gets out. "Where are you going? Don't leave" I say.

He stares at me for a few seconds, seeming to look me up and down.
"Fine. 5 more minutes" He says and joins me back in bed again.
He leans over and starts attacking my neck with his lips.

I love when he does that.

But after a while he starts to intesify, and I sharply pull away, "don't leave marks on me" I tease.
He glances at my neck, "oh come on, they're not even noticeable" he says in a deep tone.
He grabs my neck and goes back to it.

There's no point. No point in trying to stop him.
Of course I like it but I'd prefer to not look like I've just been strangled or something.
I suppose I can just cover it up with makeup later.



12:00 pm

I noticed that Mike was changing into nicer clothes.
I asked him "where are you going?"

"the hospital. I told Charlotte I'd visit every day that I can"

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