put to rest

167 3 19

Mike's POV:

He threw my phone outside the office before I could pick it up and he slammed both of the doors shut.

I'm not a big fan of fighting my family members. But I had to defend myself.

I'm just about as tall as him so I didn't have a height disadvantage.
But that was the only thing.


I held up as long as I could but he got the best of me.

He punched me knocking me to the ground.

I wipe blood off my face with my hand, "why don't you just kill me already?" I cough.

He gives me sneer and says "oh I will. Eventually."

He grabs me and lifts me to my feet, only to throw me against the wall. His hands find their way to my throat, cutting off my breath.

I start to choke, and I thrash my hands in an attempt to disrupt him, to relieve myself of the torture, but he keeps a tight grip.
I'm already tired, so there's not much I could do at this point.


I grow weak.

I think this is the end for me.


I try to think of something.

And the only thing that comes to mind is y/n.

I wish I never met her. I wish I never got her into this mess. That poor girl.

I love her so much. I wish I could've seen her one last time to tell her that.

I want her to be the only thing on my mind when I die.

All of a sudden both doors open and all lights go out.

The power's gone.

It's been drained.

I start to hear noises coming from the corridor...


Charlotte's POV:

I jump out of my car and creep into the building, the front door was already unlocked. Mike has to be here. I run as sneakily as I can down the hallway. I still remember my way around this awful place, despite not having been here in years.

As I run, I end up completely slipping over on something.

I hope my fall wasn't too loud.

I sit up and reach over to pick up the object I slipped on.

A phone.


I turn it on and I see the police's number already on the keypad. I waste no time and call the number.

After a minute, the operator answers.

I tell them what's going on and they ask questions.
My breathing starts to get weird and I feel goosebumps all over me.

I stand up as I speak, and go further down the hallway.

I find the office, but the doors are shut.
I'm stuck out here.

So I peek inside through the window..

and I almost get a heart attack at the sight, of William Afton about to kill Michael.

"Please hurry!" I exclaim to the operator and hang up the call.

I start panicking.


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