Chapter 2

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//Chishiya POV:

I couldn't believe I had finally found her. I noticed her in one of the first games I played, but I'm not sure she remembers me?
I've been searching for her since then, joining as many games as I could, fighting for survival in hopes I would eventually come across her again.
She seems skilled in the games and just looking into her eyes makes me feel warm, which I've never experienced in the old world, nevermind Borderlands.
I walk to her side of the car to open the door, still unsure of her name.
"What should I call you then?" I chuckled as she reached for my hand.

"Y/n" she answered smiling at me, the glint in her eye tied knots in my stomach. I guided her to the entance of the beach, her hand still gripping mine tight, she felt nervous, I just wanted her to feel safe with me.

"I'll take you to The Hatter, he looks forward to meeting you" I held her hand with both of mine trying to reassure that she would be safe while I'm with her.

"The Hatter? How does he know who I am?" She questioned, I didn't want to tell her the truth; that people were already searching for her, as The Hatter thinks she would be of great use collecting the rest of the cards.

"I've noticed you before, I told The Hatter I think you would be great company for me here, you seem a lot like me" I didn't want her to know I was lying, that Hatter just wanted to use her, although on my part it was 100% the truth, I did want her here with me. I carried on walking, not making eye contact. As soon as I get her inside I know she has no choice but to stay.

I push open the doors to Hatters room and pull y/n inside with me. Everyone turns to face me, some letting out a gasp.

"You found her!" Hatter approaches with a big grin on his face and both of his arms in the air towards y/n. "You're a hard one to find" Hatter grabs y/n hand and leads her to a chair. "Please sit".

Y/n looks at me confused, as she realised the real reason she's here? She must know how great she is at the games, and how valuable she would be to someone like Hatter.

"We've had a lot of people looking for you" Hatter chuckles to himself as he turns away from y/n, revealing a wall of playing cards, some with red crosses through them. "You seem to have a few cards we don't, so if you could hand them over"

Y/n stares at me "what's happening Chishiya? Did you know this would happen?" I stare at her in hopes she will forgive me. I know we just met, but I don't want her to hate me already. She begins to get up but is held back down by 2 men, Niragi and Aguni.

Niragi takes in a deep breath just an inch away from y/n face.

"I think I'll be keeping this one" he laughs to himself as he holds his gun up in the air.

This is all I needed. I wanted to keep y/n safe from Niragi. He always wants the new girls who arrive here. He's a psycho. He finds joy in killing innocent people.

"Welcome to The Beach!" Hatter shouted grinning to himself, "Your cards are a great help, and if you carry on like this, you might even get promoted to executive!" He leans closer towards y/n but Niragi uses his gun as a barrier to stop Hatter getting closer to her.

"I see you already have a fan" Hatter laughs as he backs away. "We have 3 rules here; ONE. You must always have on a bathing suit. TWO. You are free to live your life exactly as you wish. THREE. All cards must be given to the top 1 resident, and no one may leave once admitted to the Beach. Doing against so is considered traitorous. If you follow these rules then you will have no trouble, and are free to do whatever you please here"

Y/n widened her eyes and stared at me again. " could you lie to me?!" I looked away as I couldn't believe I actually did this to her.
"Chishiya! Answer me!" Y/n tried to push away Aguni and Niragi, but Niragi just held both of her arms down.

"I think you're going to love it here" Niragi put his face so close to hers and licked up her face and laughed.

"I think I should be showing her to her room" I started walking over to y/n and putting out my hand for her to take.
Niragi stood in front of her. "I think I'm more than capable" as he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room. She turned to look back at me with a worried look in her eyes.

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