Chapter 40

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Y/n POV //

I woke to a sudden female screaming.

"Where is she?!" I heard a males voice echoing through the hospital.

Chishiya held me tightly.

"We need to leave" Chishiya spoke softly but urgently, pulling me off his lap and towards a window, looking outside.

"HELP!!" I heard Heiya screaming from the next room.

"We can't just leave her!" I whispered loudly back to Chishiya, he just shook his head in slight annoyance.

"The militants cars are outside" he whispered back. "They probably came looking for you after you left The Beach alone"

"Why would they do that?" I asked, confused.

"Hatter probably thinks you're a traitor" he replied, still looking outside, I stood next to him, noticing multiple people with guns looking towards the hospital, we both ducked down.

Of course. How could I be so stupid? I was too busy rushing to a game alone, I didn't think about what that could look like to Hatter and the militants.

Just as we were about to stand back up we heard more voices again.

"She's in here!" a male spoke, and the door flew open.

I just held onto Chishiya with my eyes tightly closed.

"I found her. I'll take her back to the beach myself" Chishiya spoke through gritted teeth.

But the 2 militants stood at the door just laughed.

"I don't think so, Hatter wants her dead" one of then answered, but the other whispered something back.

"Aguni said to bring her back alive" I could just make out what he said.

They both began walking towards us as Chishiya stood in front of me. Another two militants entered the room.

"Get him" one of them pointed to Chishiya and they both grabbed each of his arms.

"Don't dare hurt her! I'll kill you myself!" Chishya shouted, trying to wrestle himself out of their grasp. I picked up the heaviest thing I could find and chucked it at one of their heads, but I missed and they all started laughing.

The other two grabbed my arms and legs and they all began carrying us out of the hospital, on the way out I saw Heiya passed out on the floor, her nose and lips covered in blood.

Chishiya began fighting back again as we were reaching the cars, but they began hitting him in the head with the back of their guns until they knocked him out too.

"I've wanted to do that for so long" one laughed to the other.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion, when suddenly a car came speeding towards us, forcing the militants to drop me to duck out of the way, bullets flying from the drivers seat and the militants began dropping to the ground, bleeding out.

Suddenly everything was deathly quiet. The car stopped behind me, engine revving. Without thinking I ran over to Chishiya trying to hold his body up, his eyes began fluttering open.

"Shame I missed him" A voice echoed behind me, Niragi. I turned around to his beaming smile.

"I thought you didn't care about me" I quietly responded, looking back towards Chishiya, but Niragi just laughed.

"When are you going to learn not to believe a word that comes out of Chishiyas mouth?" He began walking over to me, pulling me up by my arm, and embracing me in a tight cuddle. His hand softly stroking down my hair. I gently wrapped my arms around him.

"We can't go back to The Beach" I said softly, but Niragi pulled away and held my face in his hands.

"Don't worry, Aguni is going to deal with Hatter" he spoke gently back. "And if he doesn't, I'll kill Hatter myself"

"You saw what those militants were doing to us! I can't go back there!" I could feel tears in my eyes as I looked back down towards Chishiya, who was now beginning to stand, I rushed back towards him but Niragi had a tight grasp on my arm. Chishiya held my other arm tightly.

"I hate to say it, but Niragi is right, if we don't get this sorted now, we'll never be safe, more militants will come, I can't lose you again" Chishiya added, not taking his eyes from mine.

"You wait outside The Beach while I speak to Aguni, no one will hurt you, I'll kill them" Niragi added.

I just nodded. I couldn't argue with them both. I was so tired. I didn't want to add more deaths and stress to this already fucked up world.

"I'll move Heiya somewhere safe, we can't risk taking her back to The Beach, not at the moment anyway" Chishiya let go of my arm as he began making his way inside towards Heiya.

Niragi and I started getting in the car.

"Don't leave me again y/n" Niragi turned to me, his eyes looked somewhat crazed and his tone seemed sinister. I felt scared. I just nodded towards him. "I mean it y/n. Look at me" he grabbed my arm as I sheepishly looked at him. He softly touched my face as he leaned in to kiss me. Just as his lips met mine we heard the door shut and a cough from the back seat.

"Hope I'm not unterupting" Chishiya said sarcastically.

"Dick" Niragi replied annoyed, chucking his head back and rolling his eyes.

We made our way back to The Beach, luckily I had managed quiet a few hours sleep in the hospital as it was now daylight when we arrived to the beach.

"Wait here" Niragi spoke sternly to me. "Don't try anything stupid" he added.

"We'll be as quick as we can" Chishiya whispered as they both left the car. I watched as they both walked into The Beach, worried at what might happen next.

I was waiting alone in the car for around 30 minutes, my eyes closed, hoping for a little bit more rest, when I heard footsteps approaching.

"I think she's sleeping" I heard one of them say, I was too scared to open my eyes as I didn't recognise the voices.

"It's definitely her, isn't it?" The other questioned.

"I think so, why else would Niragi and Chishiya have called a meeting. It must be her" he responded.

I slowly began opening my eyes to see 2 men with guns stood at the drivers side of the car. They noticed my open eyes as they quickly entered the car.

"Let's go for a drive shall we?" One of them said as he began turning the key in the ignition, why was Niragi so stupid to leave they key?

Without thinking I raised my leg as high as the car would let me and released it straight into the side of his face, his head hitting the side window.

"That wasn't a good idea" the other man said as he raced out to the passenger side door, pulling me outside to the ground and sat on top of me.

"I want to see what I'm missing!" He laughed as he began lifting up my shirt "if you're good enough for both Niragi and Chishiya then there must be something amazing about you!" Suddenly his body lifelessly dropped next to me and another man towered above us.

"You're coming with me" he said as he pulled me from the ground, his hand covering my mouth. When will it stop?

He began dragging me around the side of The Beach, ignoring my punches and kicks to his body as he lifted me higher from the ground.

"I'm gonna need you to stop doing that, you're making me mad and Aguni wants you alive" Finally he stopped outside a small door at the side of the beach and put me down.

"I wouldn't run if I were you. Aguni only said alive, he said nothing about shooting you in both legs" he said tapping the side of his gun.

"Why are you doing this?" I questioned. Why was anyone doing this?

"Aguni said whoever brings you back alive gets promoted" he just shrugged. I was confused, promoted to what? Hatter was the boss, even Aguni didn't have a say over him.

"I see your look of confusion, but it'll be clear soon. Something big is coming" he added smiling. "They'll be ready for you in a minute" he said, lifting me up again, his hand covering my mouth as he dragged me inside.

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