Chapter 12

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//Y/n POV

I held onto Chishiya tightly. Would Niragi shoot if there was a chance he could hit me?
Chishiya was grabbing at my arm.
"Y/n I need to get you out of here, I don't want you getting hurt!" Chishiya covered me with his arms and lifted me over the wall. We both sat behind the wall wondering what Niragi would do next.

We seemed to be sat there a while, Chishiya started sitting up to see over the wall if he could see Niragi. The second he put his head up bullets came flying towards us.

Chishiya dropped back down as fast as he could.
"Y/n I need you to run, I'm going to distract him" Chishiya grabbed my face softly and kissed me again. "I'll see you again soon y/n". He placed his forehead on mine and took a deep breath. I didn't want to let him go. After seeing what Niragi does to innocent people, I feared for both of our lives. What if I didn't see Chishiya again?
Chishiya let go of me and stood up, he took one last look at me as he began to run. There were no gunshots. Had Niragi gone?
I stood up to take a look. Niragi was still on the roof, pointing the gun straight at me.
"Hey!! Over here!!" Chishiya shouted towards Niragi, loud enough for him to hear. But Niragi didn't break eye contact with me. I began running towards Chishiya when all of a sudden I felt a unimaginable pain through my arm and a loud bang.
Had Niragi just shot me? I fell to the ground in pain and Chishiya was by my side in a second.
"Y/n!! Are you okay?!" Chishiya was hovering above me stroking my face.
He was helping me back up when all of a sudden he heard loud footsteps fastly approaching.

"I told you to stay away from her" Niragi was now stood behind Chishiya, gun pointing to his head. "Look what you made me do to her" Niragis eyes were wild and his voice was low.

Chishiya was trying to keep calm, but I saw the fear in his eyes.
"You did this to her, Niragi. You hurt y/n. You pulled the trigger" Chishiya slowly turned to Niragi.
"We need to get her inside and get the bullet out, we can't waste anymore time" Chishiyas voice was so soft and soothing, hopefully in attempt to get Niragi to drop the gun.
Niragi looked down towards me and his shoulders dropped. He knelt beside me, and held my head into his chest.
"Don't leave me y/n. You can't leave me" he whispered over and over again, rocking me back and forth.
He picked me up and carried me inside, laying me on my bed. Chishiya following behind.
"You need to leave!" Niragi growled towards Chishiya.
"How are you going to help y/n? I can remove the bullet and make sure she will be okay" Chishiya still spoke softly back to Niragi, as he walked closer to me.
"We don't need your help, Chishiya. All she needs is me!" Niragi stood to face Chishiya. "Now leave!" Niragi pushed Chishiya out the room and locked the door. Niragi looked back towards me, his eyes wide.
"Was this your plan all along y/n? Get Chishiya to drug me while you went on a romantic adventure with him?!" I couldn't belive what he just said. Had Chishiya actually done that to him?
"What are you talking about? Chishiya told me you wanted him to take me to the next game!" I shouted back at him.
Niragi just scoffed and came closer to my face. "I could of believed that. If I didn't see you kissing him" He spoke quietly but his voice seemed to have become more threatening.
"I'm so sorry Niragi, I can't explain why I kissed him back. Just please know I didn't have anything to do with him drugging you" I tried to stroke his face to calm him down, but it didn't work this time, he slapped my hand away.
"You're going to have to stay here, you're wounded. I'm going to look after you. No one else is to come into this room. I'm going to prove all you need is me". Niragis voice became calm again, like a switch was flipped. Is this why he shot me? So he can be the one to take care of me? Act like the hero?
He lent down and kissed me, I didn't kiss him back.
"Don't act like this y/n. I want to take care of you" he tried kissing me again, but all I could think about was the pain of the bullet still in my arm.
"Let me take this out for you" Niragi took a small knife and cut across my bullet wound, sticking his fingers inside my arm and pulling the bullet out. He smiled at me as he sucked my blood from the bullet.
My arm began bleeding a lot but Niragi just removed his shirt and tied it around my arm.
"I'll go and find you some medicine, no one is to enter this room" he lent back down to kiss me again, this time I kissed him back in hopes he wouldn't realise I would try to escape once he left.

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