Chapter 38

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Heiya and I had been sat most of the day resting, but as the day was coming to an end and the sun was beggining to set, my body was uncontrolably shaking from coldness. 

"We should probably try to find shelter soon" I loudly spoke as Heiyas eyes we shut, and had been most of the day. My mind was focused on Chishiya and Niragi, they both had to go to a game today too before their visas ran out, had they made it? Were they looking for me?

"Hmmm" was all Heiya replied before covering her eyes with her arm and rolling over. I know she had saved me, which I was thankful for, but maybe I could make it to the beach alone and get someone to come back for her.

Suddenly she sat up, and began to look around.

"Did you hear that?" She questioned, pulling a bow and arrow from behind her. I listened quietly along with her, and could hear a faint crunching of leaves. "Something is coming, we should make a move" She quickly stood up and reached for my hand.

We began to make our way through the forest, I had no idea where I was and didn't know which direction the beach would be. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, worried who or what we would run into.

"Somewhere with shelter, and maybe some more bandages and medicine. I know a hospital is close by, hopefully there will be something left" She responded as she held tightly to my shoulder, limping. 

I looked towards her leg and all I could think about is how she would manage another game with only 1 leg, and what if it gets infected in the mean time?

"Dont worry, it's feeling better already" She noticed me looking and half smiled. "Honestly I'm hoping there is some sort of prosthetic at the hospital, I know you think im just going to weigh you down" She looked towards the floor and looked like she was getting tears in her eyes.

"Thats not true" I lied, but I couldnt just leave her feeling like this. "We need to get to the Beach, im sure they cleared all the hosptials around here, and they would definitely have something to help you there"

"Do you know the way?" she questioned, looking around, it was mostly dark now, no faint glow of light from the beach. I definitely didnt know my way from here. I just shook my head. "Well, the hospital is just through the edge of those trees, we could stay there tonight?" she pointed in the distance and I could just make out a tall building behind a sheet of fog. I nodded towards her.

"Lets get going" I responded.

After what seemed like another hour or so, we made it to the end of the forest and in front of a tall building, windows were smashed and it was mostly covered in moss and climbing plants.

"This definitely isnt creepy" I said under my breath, Heiya quietly chuckling beside me.

"Ive always wanted to visit an abandoned hosptial, but now im here in the pitch darkness, i think I've changed my mind" Heiya trembled beside me.

We made our way forward and through the broken doors, our only light was the moon shining in through the window. Cupboards were open and bits of paper and broken glass covered the floor.

We tightly held onto each other as we made our way through each room, looking for something, anything, that could help us, and then finally, as if like fate, laid a body in front of us that looked like he had been here a while.

"Bingo!" Heiyas face lit up as she looked towards the lifeless man and noticed his prosthetic leg, she bent down to remove it from his leg and put it on her own. "Perfect!" her eyes lit up as she was now stood up straight without the need of my assistance. "It will take a bit of getting used to, but this is amazing!" she said as she practiced walking straight around the room.

We spent the next hour trying to find supplies in other rooms, we managed a few bandages and paracetamol, which I was surprised about, I thought it would of been completely empty.

"We should probably call it a night, it seems safe here" She said as we were in a small room towards the front of the hospital, she turned towards the door and locked it "just incase" she nervously laughed.

She found a couple of candles and some matches and lit a few around the room.

"Im not sure this will make us any warmer, but it can't hurt" she laughed.

We sat down beside each other in some soft office chairs, I was missing the comfort of the beds at the beach. 

"Goodnight y/n"

"Goodnight Heiya"

I shut my eyes and wondered where Chishiya and Niragi were and what they were doing. Were they safe? Were they alive?

I finally nodded off but woke to a sudden banging on the door, the handle moving uncontrollably. Heiya shot up and grabbed her bow and arrow.

"What is that?" She whispered towards me, but I was just as clueless as her.

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