Chapter 24

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//Chishiya POV

I couldn't take it anymore. Niragi was flaunting his relationship with y/n in my face.
He needed to be gone. She's mine.
I need to save y/n from Niragi, she needs protecting from the monster.
I made my way down to the executives room, luckily no one else was around at the moment.
I went into the cabinet of weapons and pulled out a pistol and placed it in the pocket of my jacket.
My heart was racing, today will be the day I kill Niragi.

I saw their car pull up from whatever little trip they've just been on.
I make my way to a small cleaning cupboard not far from Niragis room, I'll wait here for them to arrive and that's when I'll do it.
After a few minutes I can hear quite footsteps approaching, I slowly poke my head out into the dark hallway and I see them both.
As I look closer, I see the happiness in y/n eyes. Why does it look genuine? Why isn't she afraid of him? I could feel my body begin to shake with anger.
What sort of emotional trickery has he used on her to get her to act this way?
The hate for Niragi in me begins to erupt and I slowly remove the gun from my pocket and lift towards him.
I notice my hands shaking vigorously as my finger is softly touching the trigger.
I can't do this. What if I miss? What if I hit y/n?
I lower the gun back down and sigh. As they enter the room, I try to think straight and steady my heart rate. I can't just leave, I almost had him.
I was stood for a while when I suddenly began to hear moans. It was y/n. He was defiling her. He was poluting her body. He was a parasite who needed to be ended.
My body began shaking in anger again. I put my hand against the wall and closed my eyes.
This will be the last time he will be inside of her.
I bit my lip so hard it began to bleed. But there was no pain. My body was numb.
I was contemplating leaving and chosing another time to do this, when y/n didn't have to witness.
But after everything he's done to her, maybe she would want to watch.
I stand for a while longer, until y/n moans come to a stop. I need to do this now.
I rush over to the door and begin to loudly knock.
"This better be fucking good!" I hear Niragi shout from inside before swinging open the door.
He stares at me for a second before speaking again.
"I should of fucking killed you when I had the chance" Niragi angrily shouts towards me before lifting up his hand, fists clenched.
I ducked. I'm not letting him cause any more pain to me or y/n again.
Niragi let out a sarcastic laugh.
"Been practicing, dick?!" He shouted as he tried to throw another punch, but I moved again before he could reach me.
"This is embarrassing for you" I said with a smirk on my face, my hands still in my pockets, holding the gun.
I don't know why I haven't already done it. Maybe I'm just buying time because for some reason, I'm nervous.
Suddenly y/n appears the door, tying he dressing gown closed, her eyes widen when she notices what's happening.
"Chishiya! What are you doing here!?" She questions with worry, but slight annoyance in her voice.
Why would she be annoyed with me? We care for each other. Maybe she was doing it so Niragi wouldn't suspect anything.
I didn't answer her I just brung my hand from my pocket, holding the gun.
I heard y/n gasp. But Niragi stood laughing to himself.
"What a pathetic fuck! You wouldn't dare use a gun on me! Infact, I bet you don't even know how to use one" Niragi begins laughing even louder and before I know it, he knocks the gun from my hand. He grabs me by the jacket and holds me against the wall, just as he's about to speak, I headbutt him straight in the nose.
He stumbles back slightly, and loosens his grip on me.
"Now you've done it, you fucking dick!" He grabs me by the jacket again and throws me to the ground.
"Will you both stop!!" I hear y/n screaming "Please! Stop!" I can see her eyes fill with tears.
Niragi begins to hit me in the face over and over, my vision begins to turn blurry.
I can see y/n approaching Niragi from behind, leaning down trying to pull him away and just as he's about to throw another punch, he pulls his hand back too far and elbows y/n straight in the stomach.
She falls back, as I hear her let out a deep gasp as she falls to the floor.
Niragi notices what he's done and turns round leaning over her as he keeps saying "sorry" over and over again, stroking the hair from her face. He's done it again, he's hurt y/n. He had to pay. I finally get the massive surge of adrenaline I need and take this opportunity to quickly grab the gun and stand up behind Niragi.
He quickly turns around as he feels the cold metal again pressing against his head.
"Chishiya! Please don't!" Y/n shouts as she tries to bring Niragi close to her. But it's too late. I won't get a chance like this again.
"Goodbye, fucker" I sneer, the barrell placed between his eyes.
I pull the trigger.

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