Chapter 33

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//Chishiya POV

I waited outside the door to y/ns room, I knew exactly what she was talking about with Niragi. It broke my heart. How could she still love him? He literally killed her. If it wasn't for my quick thinking, she would still be dead, then I would of killed Niragi.
Y/n saved my life too, multiple times. How can Niragi not see he's just a parasite in her life? Yet he can't just let her go. He has to win, even it that means killing y/n.

I thought back to the last two days we spent together, we opened up so much to eachother and we almost began to feel like a normal couple, that was until she brought up Niragi and her feelings for him. I can't understand her way of thinking, he has some sort of weird hold over her that I will never understand. But for now, atleast I know she loves me and I love her, that's all that matters.
I just need to help her through whatever it is she's going through with Niragi, help her let go of him so I can finally have her to myself. Like it always should of been since we met. I found her first. She's mine.
I don't even know where this leaves any of us. This place is fucking with all of our emotions. I know I've never felt like this for anyone before. So why now? Why her? Why here?

I began to grow tired of waiting for y/n to finish her conversation with Niragi. He doesn't deserve any more of her time. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks thinking about him just in the same room as her. Breathing the same air.

I slowly turned the door handle and quietly crept into the room, in hopes of hearing what Niragi had to say.
I stood behind a medical curtain that was slightly pulled across, close to Y/ns empty bed, I waited for a moment before hearing Niragi speak;

"I'll be better for you y/n. I promise. I love you so much. I need to be better for you, for us"

My eyes just rolled at his comment. Empty promises. That's what Niragi did best. I silently laughed to myself, who's he kidding? He'll never change.

I waited a while longer but heard no response from y/n. What was taking so long, what were they doing? My heart dropped at the thought that maybe she had given herself to him. Maybe her lips were on his. Maybe she loved him more than she loved me. I don't think I could accept that. I wouldn't accept that.

I slowly poked my head from around the curtain, his lips were touching her  forehead and his hand was on hers. He sat back down, his eyes not leaving hers, both gently smiling at eachother. What was going on?

I coughed under my breath to let them both know I was here, they both quickly turned their heads towards me.

"Chishiya" y/n quietly whispered with a smile, pulling her hand from underneath Niragis, making him frown back towards her.

Niragi leant back in the chair, raising his eyebrows towards me.

"Always here to ruin a perfectly good moment" Niragi scoffed, clenching his jaw. "Why can't you just let us have this time together. Alone. You just had two whole days with her!" Niragi began to stand, but y/n grabbed his arm and gently pulled him back down.

"I asked Chishiya to come back in if he hadn't heard anything in a while" y/n sheepishly said, not making eye contact with Niragi.

Niragi chuckled to himself in annoyance.

"You really think I was going to do something to you?" Niragi nodded in acceptance to his own question. "You thought I would hurt you" this time it wasn't a question, but a statement. Niragi clicked his tongue and stood up.

"Where are you going?" I questioned him with annoyance in my voice. "Y/n has finally admitted her feelings to you, and you're just going to leave because she still feels uneasy around you? Is that how little she means to you?" I tried to push his buttons, to prove to y/n that he's incapable of changing.

But instead Niragi just sat back down, grabbing y/ns hands making her jump slightly.

"I'm sorry" Niragi whispered softly to her "I didn't mean to upset you, I just don't think our relationship needs an audience" his voice getting louder towards the last part, shooting his gaze back towards me.

"I'm protecting her from your unpredictable mood swings" I snapped back at him, surely this would get a rise from him.

"The only one with the mood swings right now is you" Niragi responded keeping his voice calm. He began softly stroking y/ns hands and stared into her eyes. Y/ns face seemed to soften and I saw her deeply exhale as if she suddenly began to feel calm around him. "I told you I would change y/n, and I intend to keep that promise, but Chishiya has to change too"

Y/n looked towards me, her eye brows raised as if waiting for my response.

"I just need you both to stop this fighting and arguing, I can't deal with it anymore, especially right now" she looked towards the floor. "I need you both now more than ever, I have to go to a game and it would really help me if you could both just get along for now, and get us all out alive" She took a deep breath and her gaze fluttered between Niragi and I.

"You know I'm here for you" I made my way over to her and knelt next to her, resting my hand on her arm.

"You know you don't even need to ask" Niragi interjected, softly pulling y/ns hand closer to him so my hand fell from her.

Y/n pulled away from Niragi and she put one hand on each of our cheeks.

"Thank you" y/n breathed deeply. "It means a lot" she moved her hands down so she was holding both of our hands and squeezed tightly. "I better start getting myself ready" She quietly chuckled to herself and slowly stood up, slightly wincing in pain.

She made her way to the bathroom, leaving me and Niragi alone.

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