Chapter 30

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//Niragi POV

I exited Chishiyas room. I couldn't control my emotions, what was happening to me? Part of me wanted to punch Chishiya and not stop. But seeing that picture confirmed how much y/n loved him. She loves him more than she loves me. That fucking hurt. Hurting or killing him would drive a wedge between me and y/n even more. I won't let that happen. I need to accept the fact that he will always be a problem, and I can't do anything about that.
As much as I hate to admit it, Chishiya is right.
I need to focus on my relationship with y/n and forget about him. I've never experienced these kinds of emotions before, and they're all rushing through my body at once.

I walked back towards the room y/n was in and slowly opened the door. Y/n was still laid with her eyes closed, I just sat next to her and held her hand.
Slowly turning her head, a slight smile forming on her face.
She opened her eyes a small bit, then when she locked eyes with me, her smile quickly disappeared.

She thought it was Chishiya again. My heart felt like it was being crushed.

"Where is he?" Y/n grumbled to herself.

"Who?" I replied, knowing full well who she meant.

"Chishiya. Where is he? What have you done to him?" Y/n seemed to be trying to fight the urge to sleep and started trying to sit herself up, her eyes opening fully. She looked scared when she looked at me.

"He's in his room, I haven't touched him. He came to see you earlier but left so you could rest" There was no point lying to her, as much as I wanted to tell her that he didn't bother to check if she was okay, she would find out the truth sooner or later.

Y/n just let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes.

"Then why are you here?" She whispered towards me. Her voice turned malicious.

"Because I love you y/n. I'm never going to leave your side again. You wouldn't be laid here if you would of just done as I said, and stayed next to me!" I began to raise my voice, I realise that was a mistake. She opened her eyes to look at me again. This time frowning, and her eyes began to fill with tears.

"Then Chishiya would be dead" her voice was so low I could barely hear her. A tear now falling down her cheek. "Then I would hate you forever"

I didn't know how to reply. Nothing I could say would make her feel better. After all, I almost killed her. Why would she ever forgive me?

I just laid and watched her for a while, as she managed to fall back to sleep.
I couldn't stop thinking about where this leaves me and y/n.
She obviously hates me now, more than she ever has before.
But Chishiya was going to kill me, if his gun had been loaded before, I would of been dead.
But she still loves him.
Why does she still love him?
Why is it okay for Chishiya to try and kill me?
Why is she still protecting him?
I could feel the rage building inside me again.

After a few hours of y/n being asleep, Hatter entered the room.

"Oh, you're still here" Hatter said with a smile.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I replied, why would he think I would leave y/n.

"Oh, you know, after her saying she loved Chishiya in her sleep" Hatter chuckled to himself. He was really pissing me off.

But I also forgot about that part. I know she was calling Chishiyas name. But I forgot she was saying she loved him while she was sleeping.
It just proves to me how much more she cares for Chishiya.

"I'm not leaving her side" I answered, an irritated tone in my voice.

"Well you're going to have to escort her to her next game, she only has 4 days on her visa, and I doubt she's going to of fully recovered by then" Hatter just raised his eyebrows towards me. "You did shoot her in the stomach after all. She's lucking you didn't hit a major organ"

I just shook my head towards Hatter. Why is he trying to highlight the point that I did this to her? I know I did, and it kills me seeing her like this.
I just took a deep breath, trying not to rip Hatters head off for coming in here to purposely piss me off.

"I wouldn't dream of letting her go alone" I replied harshly, not even glancing towards Hatter.

"I'm sure Chishiya could help too" Hatter smiled again. Was he trying to get a rise from me?

I stood up to face Hatter, he was still smiling at me.

"Why the fuck would you mention his name?" I put my body inches from Hatters as I stared maliciously into his eyes. I had to hold back every inch of my being not to choke him.

"She just seems to do better when she's with him, they're great partners in the games. They bring out the best in eachother" Hatter paused, I think he realised he was pissing me off more and more, but he continued. "Then again, no one seems to bring out the best in you, I doubt you even have a good side" Hatters smile seemed to grow wider. Why was he saying this to me? He knew full well y/n brought out the best in me. It was Chishiya who brought out the worst.
Is he just pissed because I tried to kill Chishiya? Or because I shot y/n who was a really good player?

I just bit my tongue. I wasn't giving in to him.
I just sat back down next to y/n and fully turned my body from Hatter.

"Well that wasn't hard was it?" Hatter laughed again. What was he getting at?

"What?" I huffed towards him.

"Controlling your temper. So it can be done? I've never seen you do that before, it just proves how easy it is when you put your mind to it" Hatter came closer to me and rested his hand on my shoulder. "Do I have y/n to thank for that?" Hatter raised his eyebrows as I looked towards him.
Was this some sort of test?
Was he actually seeing how I would respond if he pissed me off?

I just shook his hand from my shoulder.
"Fuck off" I spoke angrily towards him and rolled my eyes.

Hatter just chuckled to himself as he left the room.
Was he trying to show me how easy it was to control my anger?
I just want to be better for y/n.

I sat a few more hours with y/n, Ann came in to check on her, then suddenly y/n began screaming in her sleep.

"Niragi!! No!!" She kept screaming and shouting, thrashing her body around.

Ann rushed over to her and she tried to hold her still. My eyes were wide, I didn't know what to do. She was having a nightmare about me.

"Bring me that needle over there!! And more bandages!" Ann screamed at me pointing to a metal trolley.
I rushed and passed them to Ann, looking down I noticed blood pooling on the bed.

"What's happening to her?!" I questioned Ann, panicking and my heart racing.

Ann didn't answer me as she was trying to stop the blood.

"What's happening?!?" I screamed again, tears now filling my eyes.

Ann was pressing hard on y/n stomach, the blood not seeming to stop.

"All the moving around she was doing seems to have opened her wound" Ann spoke calmly, the blood now covering her hands. "I can't stop the blood loss, there's too much" Ann's shoulders dropped, as if she had given in. "You need to quickly get Chishiya, its only fair to y/n" Ann paused again to loudly gulp. "You both might have to prepare yourselves to say goodbye"

I just froze in place, this can't be happening. She's going to die because I caused her to have a nightmare.

"You need to hurry" Ann's gentle voice brought me back to reality. "I don't think she has much time"

I took one final look towards y/n as I quickly left the room.

"Then I would hate you forever"
Y/ns final words playing in my head.

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