Chapter 31

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//Y/n POV

I could hear Ann's voice, telling me to hold on. I could feel her cold hands pressed on my stomach. I could feel the warmth of my blood pooling underneath my body, my clothes soaked.

Then suddenly I could hear Niragis voice. Tones of desperation. I could feel his tears dripping on me, and his warm breath on my face.

Was this the end?

In my final thoughts all I could think about was Chishiya. How much I needed him here in my final moments.
I felt a cold tear drip down my cheek, my heart rate dropping to almost nothing.

I can't seem to escape the chilling grasp of Niragi. Even in death.

As I felt my mind getting darker, my thoughts turning into almost nothing, I felt a soft hand grab mine.

"Y/n? ...Can you hear me?" It felt like an explosion in my thoughts as I heard his voice. Chishiya. "Please squeeze my hand if you can hear me" he spoke calmly and quietly.

I tried repeatedly, I couldn't gain enough energy to even move my fingers.

"She still has a pulse" I hear Chishiya quietly whisper "it's barely there, but it means we still have a chance"

His voice seemed to be getting quieter, more muffled, but I could still slightly feel the touch of his hand.

They say the last sense to go in death is the ability to hear. Does this's nearly time?

I tried to fight as much as I could. Even if it was to get just one last glimpse of Chishiya. I couldn't go without saying goodbye.

Everything was going silent now. My body had lost almost all feeling. I was no longer in pain. I guess in a way, it was relaxing.
I felt at peace.

I heard the final words softly escape Chishiyas lips "I love you so much, y/n"

The darkness in my mind suddenly turned bright white.
As I was awaiting what the afterlife held for me, I was alone with my thoughts, images of knowing Chishiya flashing through my mind, all the memories of him rushing through my mind at a million miles per hour.
His voice echoing through me, getting quieter and quieter.

Until suddenly.



My eyes slowly opened, sensitive to the brightness, I began to continously blink.

"He....he did it" I heard the shock in Niragis voice as he gasped.

I looked in the direction of his voice, and saw a figure, my vision too blurry to make anything out. It approached me until suddenly stopping just inches from my face. It was Niragi.

Am I in hell?

"I can't believe it worked" Niragis voice still had a tone of astonishment. I felt his cold hand brush down my cheek.

What worked? Where am I?

I slowly looked around, my vision now almost fully adjusted. First I looked down towards my body, there was no blood. Just a fresh bandage on my stomach.

Am I alive?

I slightly turned my head, my heart beat picking up pace very quickly.

Chishiya was laid next to me. His eyes closed, his hand entwined in mine. A IV coming from my arm into his.

"Chi..Chishiya..." I whipered. His eyes shooting open staring straight into mine in shock.

He tried to sit up but he just swayed, as if going to faint.

"Take it easy, dick" Niragi chuckled towards Chishiya.

Chishiya looked so pale, he looked sick.

A soft smile began to appear on Chishiyas face, as he grabbed my hand tighter.

"I...I thought I died" I said still whispering, I felt my eyes tearing up.

I heard Niragi sigh, I looked at him and he nodded at me, smiling. He stood up and quietly left the room.

"You almost did" Chishiyas soft voice replied. "I couldnt give up, I gave you quite a lot of my blood"

I couldn't belive it, Chishiya saved my life.

"Will you be okay?" I questioned, worried for Chishiya.

"I don't care, as long as your alive" Chishiya squeezed my hand.

"But, how did you know we had the same blood type?"

"I didn't. I was willing to try anything" Chishiya sighed quielty "I thought I had lost you" Chishiyas eyes filled with tears as he looked away.

"I heard everything you know, I tried to squeeze your hand. I tried so hard" I took a deep breath, trying to hold back more tears.

"I know" Chishiya looked back towards me, a slightly grin on his face. "I could feel your pulse. The second I told you I loved you, it began to accelerate"

I can't believe it. My body didn't want to give in because of the love I had for Chishiya. I tried to hold on to every last second with him, without even knowing.

"We both should rest" Chishiya snuggled closer to me, making sure not to touch my stomach "You're safe, y/n. I'm here with you"

I rested my head on Chishiya. Closing my eyes. I wouldn't be having nightmares about Niragi now Chishiya is with me.

Where did Niragi go anyway?
It's not like him to leave me here alone with Chishiya.
Is he planning something I should be worried about?

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