Chapter 39

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Chishiya POV//

After spending hours more looking through all the rubble and debris, I couldn't help but think Niragi was right. She was alive. I could feel it. All I could do was continue into the forest, surely if Niragi had found her, and told her where I was, she would want to come looking for me. I continued walking until the sun began to set, do I head back now or do I continue through the night? What if she's here somewhere alone? Cold and scared.

As I began walking deeper I could see a small light through the trees. My eyes widened as I realised what is was. A campfire. I began walking quickly and quietly towards it, trying not to make too much noise on the crunching leaves. I slowly began to approach it and realised there was nothing or no one around, but as I got closer I noticed something that made my heart drop and dance at the same time. It was y/ns jumper, hanging beside the fire. I reached out for it, still slightly damp. She was here.

My mind began to race, where could she be now? What if she had began to walk back to the beach? Surely I would of heard her if she had passed me, do I wait here incase she comes back?
I looked up towards the dark sky, the sun had almost fully set and the moon began lighting up the ground between the trees. I know she wasn't very good with direction, she would stick to a trail and luckily for us both, there was one leading in the opposite direction which I came. She must of gone this way, if I remember correctly there is a hospital behind the forest. Maybe she knew too and has made her way there. What if she's hurt?
I begin walking quickly again through the trees, until I reached the end of the forest and the hospital was there infront of me. I began to walk inside, listening for any sort of noise that could lead me to her, but nothing. I carefully raced through the rooms, checking underneath tables and under beds. There was no sign of her. I breathed deeply, do I stay here for the night or do I keep looking? Should I go back to the campfire in hopes she comes back or is already there waiting?
I make my way back to the front of the hospital, and exit the broken doors.
I take one final look back, wishing for some sort of clue or miracle.
My heart skipped a beat. I saw a small light coming from one of the small rooms at the front of the hospital. Was this her? This had to be her.
I rushed back inside, finally reaching the handle to the door, it was locked but I couldn't stop moving the handle, when I suddenly heard quiet voices from behind the door.

"What do you want?!" I heard a female voice from behind the door, I didn't recognise it. " I have weapon, I'll kill you!"

I heard the door unlatch as I slowly backed away, suddenly an arrow flew past my head. I jumped behind a table and hid behind it, my heart racing.

"I'm not going to hurt you! I'm looking for someone!" I shouted back, I heard the desperation in my own voice. But I was met with silence.

After a few moments I poked my head around the side of the table to be met with a shadowy figure.

"Chishiya?... Is that you?" As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could finally make out her face. Y/n.
I stood up as fast as I have in my life and ran to her. I held her in my arms, I never wanted to let go.

I felt her arms tighten around me, as she grabbed at the fabric of my shirt. I slightly pulled away so I could look at her face again, and as she looked towards me with her beautiful big eyes, I couldn't help but press my lips to hers.

"I'll give you two a minute" I heard the other girl cough and mumble under her breath, and heard her footsteps quietly walk away.

"I was so worried about you" y/n placed her hands on each side of my cheek.

"Me? You left! I was so scared! Please don't do anything like that again!" I grabbed her close again as I felt her heart beating against mine.

We stood like this a few moments before y/n broke the silence again.

"Where's Niragi?" She sheepishly asked. I felt my blood boil at the sound of his name. How could she be thinking of him when we was having this moment together. Just the two of us.

"The beach" was all I could manage as a response through gritted teeth. I felt her shoulders slightly drop. I wasn't lying, he was there as far as I know. She doesn't need to know he was looking for her too, atleast not right now. I needed this time alone with her.

Her arms wrapped tightly around me again, and I placed my lips to her forehead.

"We need to rest here for the night, Chishiya. Heiya saved my life and has been taking care of me, we need to bring her back to the beach" Y/n softly said, slight desperation in her tone. I simply nodded.

She led me into the small room and Heiya gave me a slight wave. I waved back. I was disappointed, as I was hoping for the night alone with y/n.

"Maybe we could find our own room?" I quietly asked y/n. But she just frowned.

"I can't leave Heiya here alone" she whispered back.

"Just because you're whispering, doesn't mean I can't hear you" Heiya laughed to herself "it's a small room" she added. "Don't worry about me, I'll go to the next room, just please don't be too loud" she winked towards us both as she walked past us.

Weirdly, I didn't want anything like that to happen between y/n and I. Not yet anyway. I simply wanted to hold her in my arms. Make her feel safe. Just the two of us.

I held her hand and sat on a office chair, pulling her onto my lap. I began softly kissing her cheek and down her neck. I missed doing this. My lips found hers and began kissing her passionately. I could hear both of our hearts beating in perfect unison.

'I missed you, Chishiya" y/n quietly said in between kisses.

"I missed you too, Y/n. Please don't leave me again" I replied, my arms wrapping around her body as she rested her head on my shoulder. I watched her as her eyes began to close, obviously exhausted, as sleep took over her. Not long after, my eyes closing too, as I held her tightly.

I'll never let go again.

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