Chapter 35

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// Y/N POV

I stood at the entrance to The Beach, the wind softly blowing through my hair.
I need to think of a way I can get to a game before Niragi and Chishiya decide to find me.
Without thinking, I began slowly walking forward.
Miraculously I didn't feel like I had almost died just a few days ago. It got me thinking to what this place really is we're in? Does time work different here?
Surely I should of died in the normal world, or at least I would be recovering for longer than this. All I felt was slightly sore.

Before I knew it I was on the quiet streets of Tokyo. No Niragi. No Chishiya. I felt alone, and I'm not sure if that's for better or worse.

People were still out playing games this late at night, I could see faint lights in the distance from the arenas.
I began walking towards the closest one, maybe I can find one I could join.

Hours passed and I was about to give up, when finally I reached a large stadium with other people entering. My pace picked up as I knew this was probably my last chance entering a game before the morning.

I quickly reached for a phone and took note of the people around me. Luckily I didn't recognize any of them, hopefully none will be from The Beach.

I looked down at the phone;

2 minutes until game begins.
Currently 12 participants.

I leant against the closest wall and closed my eyes, silently praying for something easy.

"What is this place?!" I heard a young girl shouting, frantically poking at the phone she just picked up. No one seemed to look in her direction. I felt sorry for her but I couldn't get involved with someone who could weigh me down. "Please! I just want to go home!" Her eyes filled with tears. My heart began to ache for her. I wanted so badly to help her through it, but suddenly she began racing towards the exit.

"Wait!!" I heard myself shout after her, reaching out to grab her arm. "You can't leave, you need to survive this game"

Her eyes widened and she began to quietly laugh.

"You're telling me I'm going to die just for walking out of here?" She questioned, still laughing.

"I wouldn't bother with her" I turned when I heard another voice from behind me. "Just let her go".

I looked back towards the girl who was now pulling her arm back from my grasp.

"I think I'll take my chances" she laughed backing away. I took a deep breath as I awaited the quick flash from a laser.
I blinked as the bright red light shot through the top of her head.
I felt a sudden pain in my heart at how quickly someone's life can be taken away here, yet here I am, still alive after dodging death countless times.

I stood there for a few moments when I heard a loud voice echoing through the stadium.

Difficulty 7 of spades.
Escape the stadium
Time Limit: Until the venue is destroyed.

I feel my breath get caught in my throat. Spades. Why did it have to be a physical game.

I could feel the ground rumbling below me as everyone began staring at each other. Suddenly water began erupting from the floor, my eyes widened as I could see the steam. It had to be boiling?
Suddenly everyone began screaming and running in different directions.
I quickly looked around for any sort of exit, but we seemed to be closed in.
I began running towards the tunnels between the rows of chairs. There has to be a way out this way.

I made my way through the dark tunnel, looking for any source of daylight, I could hear the crashing of water behind me, I know I cant turn back, I took a deep breath as I exited the tunnel, trying to figure out which direction I could go in the darkness.

I kept carefully running forward as I felt the water catching up to me, the walls behind me began crashing down, I could see the tiniest light just ahead of me and as I was getting closer I noticed it was a small window. This had to be my way out, there's nowhere else I can go.

As I was just metres away I reached my arm as I tried to jump but the water was almost waist deep and was filling the halls quickly. I missed the edge of the window as the water pulled me under. I felt a blunt object smash against the side of my head but I knew I couldnt give up yet. Thoughts of both Chishiya and Niragi flooded my brain. If they knew what I was doing now, without them, they would probably kill me themselves.
My mind was turning foggy as I couldn't reach the top of the water for a breath. I tried pushing myself off the rumble to propel myself upwards, but bricks and parts of the building were crashing towards me too quickly and pushing me down.

I could feel my vision going blurry and a heavy weight in my chest.
Surely I can't escape death again.
My body became weaker and I couldn't hold open my eyes any longer.
The room was turning darker than it previously was, but I could hear a faint voice.

"Wake up!"

The voice was too quiet to recognize, but it began getting louder.

"Wake up! You have to wake up!" The voice sounded distressed, but I still couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly it hit me. It was Chishiya. Why could I hear him?

"WAKE UP!" Another voice, this time it was Niragi, but he sounded closer.

Their voices now shouting alongside each other, both so loud in each of my ears, both equally as desperate.
Until I couldn't hold on any longer and everything went silent.


"For God sake wake up!" Another voice, this time female and I didn't recognize it. I felt a sharp slap across my face.
I shot up, coughing what felt like litres of water out of my lungs.

"Finally! I was about to give up" I heard the voice again as my eyes shot towards her. I took a moment to get my breath.

"Where am I? What happened? Who are you?" I began coughing again, I winced as I felt a dull ache in my head.

"I'm Heiya" she put her hand out to shake but I just looked towards her. "I was trying to escape the building when you came flying towards me through the water, I just grabbed you as I crashed through the nearest window" I looked towards her leg and she noticed and looked towards it too "Yeah, I nearly didn't make it either. I guess we're both lucky"

"How long was I out for?" I questioned, still not able to concentrate properly from the pain in my head.

"I'd say roughly 12 hours, I'm surprised you even woke up. Especially judging by those lumps on cuts on your head, you must of taken a beating while you were under the water"

I did it again. I survived. I should be dead.

"We'll sit and rest for a while and try to find some medicine later" Heiya put her hands behind her head and laid down, looking around I noticed we were in what seemed like a forest.

"I know where there's a lot of medicine, we have to go there right away" My thoughts shot straight to Chishiya and Niragi, they had to be wondering where I am. I began to stand up but just fell straight back down. Heiya slightly chuckled.

"I don't think you'll be going anywhere for a while if your head is making you that dizzy"

I sat up next to Heiya, wondering if Chishiya and Niragi are already looking for me. Hoping they at least went to a game for more visa days of their own, or I know there's no chance I'd ever see them again.

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