Chapter 13

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//Chishiya POV

I saw Niragi leave the room. How could he think I wouldn't be waiting?
I watched him pace down the hallway and once he was out of sight I slowly opened the door.

"Chishiya!" Y/n face beamed and she tried to quickly sit up. "We need to get out of here! Niragi will only be a minute, he's out of his mind!" Y/n grabbed my hand and crept towards the window. "We need to try and get out this way, or we might run into him..." she was rattling the handle but it was locked. I was ripping apart the desk drawers for a key like my life depended on it but there was nothing.

"Watch out, I'll try and smash it" I picked up the closet chair and aimed towards the window, there was a slight smash and a loud crash when the chair hit the floor. I picked the chair back up and began ramming it into the cracked window.

"Quickly Chishiya! There's no way he won't be able to hear this!" Y/n had a horribly panicked look on her face, I need to get her out of here, fast.

I made a clear opening in the window and began hitting away the smaller shards of glass so y/n wouldn't get hurt climbing through. I poked my head out to try and find a safe way down but it was a big drop straight onto concrete, I couldn't risk her breaking her legs. I grabbed the mattress from the bed and chucked it out the window.
"You need to aim for that, you go first incase Niragi comes back" I tried to keep calm as she proceeded to climb onto the window ledge. Just as she was about to jump, Niragi bust through the door.

"What the FUCK are you doing?!" Niragi came running straight towards us but without thinking I pushed y/n forward so she fell from the window. Niragi stopped and stared for a second wondering what the hell I just did.
We both rushed to the window and I let out a sigh of relief to see she had landed perfectly on the mattress.

"Run y/n! I'll distract him! Hide somewhere safe! I'll find you soon!" She stared at me in disbelief before scrambling to her feet and running into the darkness.

"I don't fucking think so" Niragi gave me a sinister look and pushed me to the ground as he tried climbing onto the window ledge. Just as he was about to jump, I yanked his shirt backwards, pulling him back into the room. I sat on top of him and began punching wherever I could. Physically he was a lot stronger than me but the adrenaline gave me the strength I needed to get a few good punches in. He grabbed my arms and began trying to wrestle me off of him but I tried to hold on a bit longer, just so y/n had a bit more time to get somewhere safe.
Suddenly I felt a hard blow to the side of the head and my ears were ringing.
I fell sideways off of Niragi and he hovered over the top of me grinning at me.

"You tried your best" he laughed in my face. "Did you really think you would win?" He began laughing louder. "Did you really think you would win y/n?" He spun around, his laugh coming to an end . The whole room was spinning, my eyes struggling to stay open.
"I could kill you now" he calmly said, turning back round to look at me, kneeling down to get closer to me. I felt a sharp breath on my face.
"You'd be gone...but would y/n forgive me..." he seemed to be questioning the pros and cons of killing me. This didn't seem like him, any other time he wouldn't of given it a second thought to putting a bullet in me.
His mouth curled up into a smile. "But you did drug me, and try and take y/n for yourself" he stood up again and took another deep breath. I shut my eyes and held my breath, waiting for his foot or fist, anything to come crashing into my head. But there was nothing but silence.
I slightly opened my eyes to see what he could be doing but he was just staring straight ahead. I looked around to see if there was anything heavy I could throw at him.

"I know what you're thinking, Chishiya. I wouldn't." He was still staring ahead with a blank look on his face.

"I just want y/n to be happy with me" he whisped to himself, his eyes seemed to light up at the thought of her. "I'm going to find her. I'm sure you won't be going anywhere for a while" he chuckled. He knelt back down towards me and spat straight onto my face. All of a sudden I saw his fist coming straight towards my face. I heard his final words "goodnight...dick" before everything went black.

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