Chapter 36

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// Chishiya POV //

My heart sank as I saw y/n walk out of the room after her telling us we were smothering her.
It was going perfect before Niragi butted in, yet again.
He ruined everything.

How could I rest for the night without her by my side, knowing shes safe. Safe with me.
I can't just follow her, she will hate me. But I can't just leave her. If I just let her have an hour or two to herself, maybe I could sit outside her room, so I know she's okay.


I went to sit beside the pool for a while, watching as everyone drank and acted like we weren't all part of these death games, it made me feel sick. I never understood how they could act so careless.

I watched as Niragi passed me multiple times, storming around the beach with an angry look on his face, obviously acting like a child.

After a couple of hours passed I began making my way to y/ns room. As I approached, I noticed her door open.

"Y/n?! Where are you?!" I heard a voice shouting. Niragi.

"I thought she told us to leave her alone" I said sternly but quietly.

"Then why are you here? Dick." Niragi replied angrily. "She's not even here, I've spent the last hour looking for her, this is the third time I've been to her room and she hasn't come back" Niragi started pacing around the room rubbing his head. "I've checked everywhere, asked everyone, no one has seen her!" His voice began to become shakey.

Thoughts began racing through my mind of where she could be.

"Did you check the roof?" I questioned, knowing she likes to sit up there to look at the stars.

"Do I look like a fucking idiot?" Niragi scoffed at me. "You don't think she left the beach, do you?" He added, with a more worried tone.

Surely not. Why would she leave. She promised we would go to a game together. She wouldn't leave without us.

Would she?

I began racking my brain of all the places she could of gone.

"We need to find her" I turned to leave the room "there's a chance she could of gone to a game without us" I picked up my pace down the hallways with Niragi following behind me.

"Why would she do that? Why would she go alone?" Niragis tone turned to anger as he began running past me.

We ran towards the entrance of the beach. I could see faint lights in the distance of game areanas.
Niragi and I jumped in the nearest car and he began speeding off as I was barely in it.

The ride was silent as we reached the first arena.

"You wait here and see who comes out, question everyone" Niragi snarled as I exited the car "I'll check the next closest one, she couldn't of got much further."

Niragi sped off and I approached the entrance of a factory.
The doors were locked but I could hear screams coming from the inside.  I paced back and forth in front of the building until the game was finally over and watched as a couple of people exited the building, covered in blood.

I ran towards them, questioning about y/n, explaining what she looked like and what she was wearing, but neither of them had seen her.

I let out a sigh of relief, knowing at least she wasn't dead. Yet.
I began walking in the direction Niragi sped off and after a few minutes he came racing back towards me.

"I've checked 2 more, she wasn't at either of them" Niragi stared straight ahead, I could see he was thinking hard. "We need to check some others, then we might have to go into a game ourselves" he added.
I just nodded as I got into the car.

After checking a few more arenas, we approached a game that hadn't started yet.

"We should probably enter this one, atleast with this out of the way we can spend the day looking for y/n" I looked towards Niragi who just nodded as we walked into the building. There wasn't many people here, but I couldn't take my eyes off the entrance, praying y/n would walk through the doors. We reached for a phone;

5 participants
Game starts in one minute

It felt like the longest minute of my life. Staring hopefully at the entrance. But she didn't enter.


Niragi and I quickly completed the game. Luckily for me it was a Diamond game. I was tempted multiple times not to help Niragi, but I knew I couldn't do that to y/n.

We spent the next few hours frantically searching every arena we could find, until we reached the only one we hadn't checked yet, it seemed to of been a large stadium, unfortunately it was mostly destroyed. We both exited the car, not daring to get too close, expecting to come across the worst.
We noticed a man laid on the floor on the edge of the road. We quickly both made our way over to him.

Niragi questioned the man if he noticed anyone in the game who may of resembled y/n.

"I...s...s..saw her" the man managed to stutter out, along with a mouthful of blood.

"Where is she?! Did she survive?!" Niragi had now got the man by the shirt, almost shaking him.

But before the man could speak a laser came down and shot straight through the top of his head and his hand slowly opened to reveal the screen of his phone

Game over

"FUCK!!" Niragi quickly stood up with his head in his hands trying to silence his own screams.
He took a few moments to compose himself "She couldn't of gotten far" Niragi huffed under his breath.

I appreciated that he was being positive, I'm glad he thought she could still be alive.
He started walking towards the edge of what seemed like a forest.

"I'm not going back until I find her" the look in Niragis eyes seemed insane and possessive. "With or without your help"

I silently walked beside him, as we entered the forest.

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