Chapter 26

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// Chishiya POV

I don't understand why Niragi didn't kill me. He's had more than one chance, but today he could of shot me and ended it all so quickly. So why didn't he?
I can't sleep. All I can think about is the look in y/n eyes.
Why was she trying to protect Niragi? Why did she look so distressed when I had the gun to his head?
Why did I forget to check if the gun was loaded?
I'd never make sort of mistake. What had come over me?
I have so many questions racing through my mind, and I don't know the answer to any of them.

All night I've been thinking things over in my head, the sun as already begun to rise.
I decide to take a shower, maybe that will help me think more clearly.
As the water runs down my face I feel my eyes fill.
Why am I crying?
This is something I will never do. Or atleast won't let people find out that I ever do.
Am I that in love with y/n, that my heart physically aches at the thought of her falling in love with Niragi?
I didn't know I could have these feelings towards another person, especially in a place like Borderland.
I need to know what has changed between them. Why would she seem so attached to Niragi?
I climb from the shower and put on my swim shorts and white jacket.
The shower clearly didn't help. It's only given me more things to think about.
As I sit down on the bed to run the towel through my wet hair, I hear I light knocking on the door.

"Chishiya? Are you in there?" I hear y/n voice and I suddenly perk up.
I love the sound of her voice.

Has she come to tell me she's finally got rid of Niragi?
I make my way over to the door and open it, nodding for her to come inside. I look down the hallway and she seems to be alone. How has she managed to escape Niragi during the day?
I look towards her and her big sad eyes are looking directly in to mine.

"I didn't expect to see you" I whisper, not breaking eye contact with y/n. She gives me a slight smile.
Before she could speak, I feel like my body is on auto pilot and my arms wrap around her waist.

"Chishiya..." she whispers, but before she could finish my sentence I had already placed my lips softly on hers.
After a second or 2, she pushes away.
"Chishiya, we need to talk" y/n voice suddenly becomes louder and sterner.

I don't want to talk, I want to hold her and never let her go. I want to comfort her and see her smile. I want to protect her.

I take a deep breath, waiting for her to tell me she loves me, and her plan to get rid of Niragi, to escape from here.
To be with me, and only me.

But she doesn't.

She just looks at me with her sad eyes again.
She takes a deep breath.
I don't want to hear the words she's about to speak. I don't think I can handle it.

"I think I am in love with Niragi" her voice breaks the silence. The only thing I can hear is my heart beating in my eardrums. My pulse racing.
I feel my heart drop 10 thousand feet.
What does she mean? This must be a joke. A sick joke.

I just stare at her. Her eyes not moving from mine. She can't be serious.
I just bite the inside of my cheek.

"I'm sorry, Chishiya. My head is a mess. Something in him has changed. I don't know what...or why. But he's completely different. He's protective, but kind" y/n paused for a breath, I just carried on staring at her, she's not making any sense. It was only a few days ago she was trying to escape, with me. She loved me.
He must of done something to her. Something to scare her.

"Has he hurt you again?" I interrupted, before she could carry on confessing her love for Niragi. I took a step back to scan her body. My eyes went straight to the previous bullet wound.

Y/n just frowned at me.

"He wouldn't hurt me, Chishiya" she spoke softly, a frown still on her face. I couldn't help but chuckle. Is she losing her mind?

"Your bullet wound still looks quite fresh. Am I the only one who seems to remember how that happened?" I narrowed my eyes, awaiting her response, but she just looked towards the ground.
Denial. She really is losing her mind.
"Why would you want to be with him?! I would never do anything to hurt you! Especially shoot you!" I could hear my voice getting louder, as I noticed y/n eyes fill with tears.

"Something has changed in him Chishiya!" Her voice getting louder.

I just scoffed and turned away.

"Yeah, I'm sure he's turned into a real price charming over night" I replied under my breath, but loud enough for her to hear.

I heard her sigh. I turned back around to face her, and gently grabbed her hands, she tried to pull away, but I just held tighter.

"I can't see you anymore Chishiya" she quietly responded. I slightly loosened my grip on her hands. A pain shooting through my heart.
"I want to be with Niragi" she added, her voice getting quieter.

"Then tell me you don't love me anymore" I said sternly, looking into her eyes, but she just looked away.
"I want you to tell me you don't love me y/n" I repeated, her and my eyes both filling with tears.
I leaned closer to her, my lips inches from hers.
"Well?" I whispered. A few seconds passed and she still didn't answer.
I pressed my lips slowly against hers, lifting my hands to her face. Feeling my heart race at the touch of her skin.
She seemed to linger into the kiss a few extra seconds, as if taking in the love I was emitting, until she suddenly pulled away again.

She breathed in sharply through her nose as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"I don't love you, Chishiya" she whispered. Gripping the handle of the door.
I took a step back. Never actually thinking I would hear her say those words.
As I did this she slowly opened the door and crept out. Shooting me one last glance, as if questioning herself, as if wondering if she just made the right choice, before quietly closing it behind herself.

I just stood there, my heart feeling as if it had stopped.
I let out a long deep breath as I felt tears falling down my cheeks.
I just fell to my knees, not knowing how to control my body.
My head in my hands, getting soaked from my tears.
This couldn't be true.

After what seemed like forever in this position, I finally managed to get back to my feet. A feeling of rage burning inside of me, all my body manged to do was clench my fingers into a tight fist and take my anger out of the nearest object.
My hand clashed with a mirror as I screamed with the pain radiating from my heart.
I did this multiple times until my hand felt numb.
Looking down and seeing the blood soaked scattered pieces of mirror, my shoulders dropped.
This couldn't be true.
I loved y/n with every inch of my being. And she loved me too. She had to.
But he had won.

Niragi had won.

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