Chapter 22

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// Y/n POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what Chishiya could of spoken to Niragi about. Did Niragi do anything to him?
Surely Chishiya must of seen my book, his picture was ripped out.
But how did he see it? Was he the one who had cleaned my room? Everything seemed to be making sense now.
I can't exactly imagine Niragi caring if my room was still a mess, he wanted to keep me locked in his after all.
Chishiya was different, he would want to make sure my room was livable, just incase.
I was waiting for Niragi to respond, but he just shook his head at me.
My question seemed to annoy him.
I should probably avoid speaking about Chishiya, I want to stay on Niragis good side. For now atleast. In some weird way I cared for Niragi, but I couldn't figure out why. He was mean and murderous. He wasn't someone I would ever imagine myself even knowing, nevermind being in some sort of weird relationship with.
But still, I cared for him. Not as much as I cared for Chishiya though.
I tried to think of a way to change the conversation from Chishiya, but before I could get any sort of sentence out, Niragi was already speaking.
"I want you to stop thinking about him" Niragi clenched his jaw. "I'm sick of him coming between us" Niragi let out a deep sigh.
He looked towards me and I nodded, I reached my hand towards his face and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Hopefully that would cheer him up. He smiled into my kiss and pulled me on top of him, wrapping his hands around my waist. He leaned back slightly to look deep into my eyes.
"I really do love you, y/n" I leant back into the kiss, I wasn't sure how to answer, but he pulled away again frowning.
"I love you too" I muttered quietly, kissing him again. Anything to shut him up, but again, he pulled away.
"Do you?" He questioned, there seemed to be some emotion to his voice, which was unusual for him.
I just smiled at him and kissed his forehead.
"Why wouldn't I?" I responded, trying to kiss him again, but he leaned further back.
He was just staring at me, slightly frowing, as if he was trying to figure me out. Suddenly his face lit up into a smile and he shrugged, pulling me on top of him while laying down, kissing me passionately.
"We can't do this today" I whispered in between kisses.
He looked mad.
"Why the hell not?!" He sat up suddenly, taking me with him.
"I've ran out of contraceptive, I took my last pill yesterday, I don't exactly plan on getting pregnant" I said quietly and he rolled his eyes, he gently pushed me off him and stood up.
"For fuck sake" he muttered to himself while rubbing his temple. I really didn't want to piss him off, but something like this couldn't be helped.
"I guess a supply run as come earlier than I thought. I'll tell Hatter we're going out" he pulled me up by my hands and pressed his body against miee. Looking down at me and pushing the hair from my face. He pulled both of his hands up to my face and pulled me into another passionate kiss.
"We're going to have to hurry up, I don't know how much longer I can hold back" he laughed as he pulled away.
As he turned around I just rolled my eyes. He opened the door and wrapped his arm around me as we began walking to see Hatter.
When we got there, Niragi didn't even ask for Hatters approval, he simply told him were leaving for a few hours to get some things. Hatter nodded in agreement and passed Niragi a piece of paper.
"Just make sure you get my things too" Hatter smiled widely before pushing us out of the door. He seemed quite busy in his room with multiple women.
Niragi looked down at the list and chuckled to himself. It must of been something weird.
As we were walking through The Beach I could feel someone staring at me. I looked towards Niragi who had a smug look on his face. He suddenly stopped and pulled me in and kissed me so passionately, I almost felt my knees go weak. I lifted my hand to his hair and ran my fingers through it as he lowered his hands down to my ass, grabbing it roughly. He pushed his tongue in my mouth and I did the same to him. He pulled away, resting his forehead on mine, smiling to himself.
"What was that for?" I whispered, quite embarrassed of what just happened in front of other people.
"Can't I kiss my woman when I feel like it?" He laughed to himself, wrapping his arm around my shoulder again, proceeding to walk through The Beach. I looked slightly to the side and my heart stopped.
Chishiya was staring in my direction. He had just seen the whole thing. When he noticed I saw him he quickly looked down, blinking multiple times. His face seemed to fill with emotion as he turned around and walked away.
That's why Niragi kissed me.
I made sure not show a reaction to it, so I simply looked back towards Niragi and smiled at him, wrapping my arm around him as we carried on walking. I can't let him now how broken I feel right now. Broken for Chishiya and the look in his eyes, having to watch that. As much as I wanted to go back in and hold Chishiya, I couldn't, Niragi would definitely kill him.
We made our way to the car and Niragi opened the door for me, kissing me again before I sat down. Once he had entered the drivers seat he placed his hand on my thigh and started the car. As he was driving his hand slowly worked his way up so it was placed between my thighs and began softly rubbing.
He must of heard my sharp inhale as I saw a smile grow on his face in the corner of my eye.
"You shouldn't do this while your driving" I whispered, but he ignored me and began rubbing faster.
I was trying to take my mind from Chishiya, I couldn't let on to Niragi that my heart ached for him.
I closed my eyes and leaned further back, and began letting out quiet moans, pretending I was enjoy it, but really, my stomach was churning.
He suddenly stopped the car, and pulled me into a kiss while his hand was still rubbing. This seemed to wake something in me, and I couldn't help but enjoy it. He pulled my bikini shorts to the side and pushed two fingers slowly inside of me. He used his other hand to pull mine between his legs and I moved my hand down his hard dick, I felt it move underneath my hand. I unbuttoned his trousers and placed his dick in my hand and began moving it up and down, he broke away from the kiss and began kissing down my neck, leaving even more marks, if there were room for more.
We carried on like this for a while, I felt my body trembling under his hand and I couldn't hold myself back any longer. He knew I had finished as he brung his fingers to his lips and sucked them. He suddenly pulled my head down to his dick and shoved it deep in my mouth, my eyes began watering as I felt his warm cum shoot down my throat.
He let out a deep moan and his body was tense.
He seemed to relax after a few seconds and was breathing heavily.
"Sorry, didn't want a mess everywhere" he laughed as I sat back up. A warning would of been nice.
I just rolled my eyes and kissed me again. He started the car and began driving.
We finally got to some shops, with a pharmacy inside.
"There best be some contraceptive pills left. I hate wearing condoms" he said annoyed "and we're definitely going to need something for later" he winked at me "All of the stuff on Hatters list should be in here too"
We scanned the shelves, luckily we found everything we needed, including Hatters things.
He suddenly picked me up over his shoulder and carried me like that to the car, his hand on my ass. He chucked the bags inside and took out some drawing pads and pencils and passed them to me.
I had completely forgotten to pick some of those up, I didn't even see him get them.
"Thank you" I smiled at him and he kissed my head.
"Let's go somewhere" he said as he sat me down.
"Shouldn't we be going back?" I asked, worried Hatter would be mad if we took too long.
"Nah, he knows I wouldn't be a traitor, besides we haven't been too long anyway" he starts the car and begins driving. After about 30 minutes he pulls up to a small field surrounded by trees. I gasp as I look out of the window and see all the wild flowers growing in the field. It was so beautiful, it looked like something out of a story book. I looked back towards him and he was already smiling at me, I could feel my face was already lit up.
"It's nice to see you genuinely happy in this shitty world" he spoke gently. Why couldn't he be like this all the time?
He rushed round to my side of the car and opened the door, holding my hand as I got out.
He led me over to the field and pulled me softly to the ground. We laid amongst the flowers and I rested my head on his chest, my arm wrapped around his body, and his around my shoulder.
All I could think of is Chishiya doing something like this, but not Niragi.
We laid there for a while then Niragi began to tickle me playfully. I shot up, I hated being tickled. He shot up too and I began laughing.
"Catch me if you can!" I began running through the flowers, time felt like it had slowed down. He began chasing me and I could hear his laughter from behind me. He quickly caught up and wrapped both of his arms around me, lifting me from the ground.
"What do I win?" He whispered in my ear as he lowered me back to the ground. I spun around and placed my lips on his.
I pulled away and began thinking.
"A flower crown!" I shouted as I began picking the flowers from the ground and threading the stems through eachother, creating a circle of flowers.
He just rolled his eyes at me and let out a quiet chuckle.
"Here, try it on" I said quietly, placing it on his head. "Beautiful! You're a flower prince!" I exclaimed, giggling to myself.
Niragis eyes seem to light up with genuine happiness. Something I had never seen before. He seemed to study my face for a while.
"Does that make you my princess?" He said quietly, looking embarrassed with his own cheesey line.
I slowly placed both of my hands on his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. He wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed me back softly.
Why did everything feel so normal?
We messed around like children for the next couple of hours, I hadn't had this much fun in a long time. Niragi actually seemed like a different person. He pulled me in for a long cuddle, slightly rocking my body with his, we pulled away from eachother as we noticed the sun beginning to set.
"We should head back" Niragi whispered, looking to the ground. Why did he seem so shy all of a sudden? Not once since we arrived at the field did he make any sort of rude comment or try anything on with me. It was nice.
I just wanted to know what had changed in him.

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