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        The ceiling was a dome made from beautiful glass. The walkways flowed with seas of people with plastic bags in hand from their favorite stores. The shopping mall had an overload of people, customers abusing the recently polished floors that janitors were going to spend time overnight dealing with shoe marks.

Behind a pair of thick-rimmed glasses, a young girl scans the mall in search of her favorite place. From beneath her blonde hair, her blue eyes ignited with a child-like innocence that was reflected in her smile. She bounds forward, the pockets of her pants ringing from the sound of the quarters her mother gave her.

Her body races over a neon sign that reads "Merriplace Arcade" in bubble letters.

"Hey, Sadie!" a friendly old man greets the eight-year-old child.

"Hi, Mister Johnston!" the girl greeted the man behind a glass counter filled to the brim with ticket prices both in the counter and upon the thick shelves behind him.

"You here to play Candy Star again?" the bifocaled man asks with a warm smile on his wrinkled face.

"Yeah!" Sadie beamed, revealing a missing front tooth.

"Well," Mr. Johnston teases her, "You better hurry quick. A new update was added last week and I'm sure people are gonna come soon to play."

The little girl gasps and quickly whips around. She races deep into the Merriplace Arcade, leaving the chuckling Mr. Johnston behind.

A pastel-colored driving emulator was left open just for the little girl. It truly paid off to arrive at the arcade as soon as it opened.

Sadie leaps, landing upon the lavender cushioned seat. She pulls the small lever beside her chair and zips forward so she can reach the blue-colored pedals, the yellow-colored brakes, and the pink-colored stirring wheel. Upon the machine were various pictures of the game's signature racers, all dressed in their racing gear that was the theme of candy. A glowing sign with traffic lights shines overtop of the game simulator's screen with curly red licorice spelling out "Candy✮Star". Speakers along the sides of the machine blare with the sound of the game's signature theme song.

"Let's do this!" Sadie cheers. The little girl eagerly slips two quarters into the coin slot and is immediately met with the sight of the landscape of Candy Isle with a blinking "START" title. She slams on the start button and is immediately met with a selection screen.

Candy-themed characters littered the screen. Sadie knew each one of them by heart. There was Apex Quickshift, Master of Chiroru, Barbara Bullet, Mistress of Taffy, Bernad Nitro, the Caramel Duke, and many, many others.

However, her favorite character was Aristo Jitesh, the King of Candy Isle. He was a legendary character from the very start of Candy Star. His abilities were unique, his steering was excellent along with his speed. His special move was called Spicy Eruption, an attack on nearby players by throwing red cherry-flavored bombs. But just like other characters, he still comes with his faults such as low defense against power moves and lack of acceleration. Overall, he was a tough character to beat if you played as other racers. But Sadie was determined to beat him, no longer will she come in second place!

As Sadie looked through all the characters, she sighs, "I've played all of them already."

But then she saw her.

Dressed in a blue racing uniform, a girl of (h/c) hair wore a dark blue jacket with bold white letters that was embroidered with her signature number: "47". The lining of her outfit was threaded in gold-colored glitter along with the collar of her coat. An ombre blue helmet was in her hands, the shield translucent enough to be able to see her (e/c)-colored eyes.

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