Heart of A Demon

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Part Three (Final)

Badrum pales. His violet orbs were wide and his body trembled.

(Y/N) held her hand to the gash. Yet, no matter the pressure, the blood wouldn't stop. The scarlet liquid gushed between her fingers and oozed down her hand, staining the innocence of the beach's shore. She rasped, unable to scream or even speak. Pain, burning, searing pain, resonated from her throat, but it was the shock that allowed her to take slow steps forward.

Tears swelled from the corners of Badrum's eyes. "(Y/N)!" he cried.

A storm suddenly devoured the entire sky. Large waves began to pound onto the beach, the force of the tides crashed into a pair of guards and sends them flying.

Badrum dives beneath the water and soon black ink stains the ocean waters. The ocean swirled and turned into an infinite shade of darkness. The earth rumbles, causing the villagers to stumble. Screams tore through the air as the people bore witness to a living beast.

Towering over El Shizumi, Badrum had transformed into a terrifying beast. His massive form carried his humanoid form. His head changed to reminiscent of an octopus with black eyes. His body was a deep shade of violet with the outer portions of his arms and chest being a paler shade. His hands transformed and became elongated with razor-sharp claws, while bat-like wings grew from his lower back.

Raising a fist in the air, Badrum pounds several soldiers into the ground, smashing their bodies to bloody pieces.

Despite her wound, (Y/N) forces herself to trudge to the ocean. She held her bleeding neck in one hand while the other held Badrum's heart. She was determined to still help Badrum, even in her final moments.

"Kill her!" her grandfather orders.

"NO!" (Y/N)'s father cried.

As the guards aimed their bows and arrows, Badrum raised his wings, and with just one beat, a gust of air sent their arrows back. Many fled and ducked as the arrows landed on the ground.

Pale, the village chief takes a nervous step back. He peeks over his shoulders to find several of his men pushing catapults onto the beach.

Sighing in relief, the chief turns to his soldiers. His frantic voice carries through the beach as he demands, "FIRE!"

In an instant, the guards hastily fire their catapults. Balls of flames are launched through the air and strike Badrum, making him wince. He roars. Using his abilities, a large tide consumes the beach and the catapults are instantly destroyed.

A small group of soldiers rushes towards the shore with spears in their grips. Badrum stretches out a tentacle and sweeps them away, tossing their bodies through the air as if they were mere insects.

"KILL HIM, DAMN IT!" (Y/N)'s grandfather demanded.

Turning his furious gaze upon the elderly man, Badrum's enormous form shadowed the village chief. With a tentacle, Badrum seizes the chief into the air. He suspends him in the air, curling his tentacle around his fragile body. He squeezes, and bit by bit the chief was crushed. Bones instantly snapped and the old man screams. Tightening his grip, Badrum took pleasure in seeing the old man become still. His body disgustingly pops and stains Badrum's limb with his blood and internal organs.

Despite the old man's death, Badrum was not satisfied. He turned to the remaining fearful soldiers. With a roar, he seizes several of them with his tentacles and throws them through the air. Water then sweeps through the land, and invades the streets of (Y/N)'s village. The tsunami mercilessly devoured the marketplace, destroying several homes and stalls. Villagers fled from the waves, some even accidentally dragged into the chaotic surge of the rising water. Their screams could barely be heard from the sound of the howling wind and crashing tide.

"(Y/N)!" the girl's father shouts.

Badrum turned his gaze to the ground, finding (Y/N) struggling to reach Badrum. The male creature parts the roaring waves, allowing (Y/N) to easily walk towards him.

"(Y/N), no!"

The girl doesn't listen to her father. As Badrum bent to the girl's height, (Y/N) landed a hand on the creature's forehead. It was clear that she wanted him to calm down.

With several disgusting cracks and sounds of tearing flesh, Badrum returns to his natural form.

Finally, (Y/N) collapses. She falls into Badrum's chest. Blood fell from his lips and it finally invaded her lungs. Badrum watches as (Y/N) silently presented him with a violet-colored gem. The girl had successfully gotten his heart, but at what cost?

Despite Badrum's teary eyes, (Y/N) smiled. She takes the stone and gently places it back in Badrum's chest, aligning it on the eye of his chest tattoo. She pulls away her hand, but Badrum stops her. Tears cascaded down his cheeks and trickled down onto her face.

"(Y/N)!" the girl's father rushes to her side. He glances nervously toward Badrum. Nonetheless, he seizes his daughter's hand, "You're-You're going to be okay!" He swallows thickly, trying desperately to not shed any tears, "Your father won't let anything bad happen to you!"

(Y/N) smiles lovingly at her father. She caresses his cheek and wipes away a tear, a silent reassurance. (Y/N) was slowly starting to drift away, but she didn't feel scared at all. Blackness began to take over her sight.

Without a single word, Badrum turns back to the ocean. He carries (Y/N) in his arms. The girl began to lose her sense of touch, barely even feeling as the cool water consumed both herself and Badrum.

Together, the pair sink into the ocean.

"I'm not going to let you die," Badrum swore to her. (Y/N) turns to him with furrowed brows, confused by his words. "You are my heart."

Carefully and slowly, Badrum presses his lips against (Y/N)'s mouth. Badrum was addicted to (Y/N)'s entire being. He couldn't bear to be with her and he could barely breathe when she was around. She was his salvation and his torment. He lived for her kiss and he would die with the sweet memory of them. Badru knew that if he were to lose her he would lose himself. She was the half that made him whole.

With every fiber of his heart, Badrum poured his magic into (Y/N). The cut around (Y/N)'s neck slowly stitches shut, as if an invisible needle were gently sewing a rip. From the scars of her attack, (Y/N) was soon given gills, similar to those upon the side of Badrum's neck. They flare as (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes suddenly flash open.

Badrum pulls away and (Y/N) releases a long gasp.

As she finally caught her breath, (Y/N) turns her gaze towards Badrum. A smile formed on the male's lips and a breathless chuckle mixed with a sob escapes his lips. He pulls (Y/N) into a tight embrace and holds her close.

She was alive.

Gently pulling the girl to the surface of the water, Badrum turns to the beach of El Shizumi. As (Y/N)'s father stood with the remaining villagers on the beach, he finally presents (Y/N) right next to him.

The girl's father smiles brightly and he races into the water to pull his daughter into a tight embrace.

"Oh, thank you!" her father exclaimed towards Badrum, "Thank you for bringing her back!"

"There's an island north from here," Badrum informs him, "It's a good place to settle and an easy place to see your future grandchildren."

(Y/N)'s father recoils, "Grandchildren?"

"Badrum, we aren't having children yet," (Y/N) rolls her eyes.

"Yet," he teases.

The girl smacks his broad shoulder, yet it doesn't stop him from pulling her into his arms and kissing her.

(Y/N) was alive and well, and that's all that mattered to Badrum.

He mutters against her lips, "I love you, my heart."

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