Pride, Prejudice, & Fear (IV)

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Part Four (Final)

Late into the night, the stars shine through the black sky. The football field is illuminated with lights surrounding the large field. is greeted by various fans, striking up a friendly conversation with various monsters until they took their leave.

Merrick glances towards the simulation room, where the bedroom walls were already taken apart. (Y/N) stands alone in Edgewood's simulator.

"Hey, babe!" Merrick calls out to (Y/N) with a broad grin, "Come on, let's go! We got invited to a cookout! Let's go celebrate!"

(Y/N) stood in the simulation room with the Scare Games trophy in her arms. She stared at the gold cup, gazing at her reflection as absolute excitement and glee bubbled in her chest. The edges of her lips curl, a tone of slight relief in her voice, "I did it. I can't believe it."

Merrick purses his lips but quickly erases his frown. (Y/N) whips around and beams, "I'm gonna be a scarer!"

Merrick smiles softly, "Yeah, yes, you are..."

Standing at the bedside of the animatronic, (Y/N) turns to face the fake child. "You hear that? I'm a Scarer now, and just you wait, I'll come back even scarier than tonight!" She playfully lurches towards the animatronic and roars, "BOO!"

The simulation child shoots up from its bed and releases a terrifying scream, one similar to its previous cries during the competition. The scoreboard shows the scream scored at a complete 100% as she previously gained. Merrick remains silent, a worrisome face falling upon his features.

(Y/N) recoils in shock, "Uh..." She chuckles awkwardly, clearly confused, "I knew I was scary, but I didn't know I was that scary..."

"Yeah," Merrick attempts to encourage her to leave, "Guess we were so scary that we broke the thing. C'mon."

(Y/N) leans towards the animatronic and snaps her fingers right beside its head. The dummy once again screams before retracting back into his bed. (Y/N) then lifts the skirt of the bed to reveal a control panel. The flap was forcibly opened, its metal door bent as if someone was trying to rip it off.

"It's been tampered with," the flap creaks open and (Y/N) peeks at its insides. Two rows of gauges were labeled with modes such as Easy, Medium, and Hard. Each rising from the color green to yellow and finally to red. The first switch was raised and bolted to its highest mode: Hard. The next was broken. The switch was ripped out of its bolt and lowered down to the green section labeled "Easy" mode.

"Why are my settings different?" (Y/N) questions aloud.

"Hey, babe," Merrick practically begs her, "C'mon, let's leave."

(Y/N) remained silent, her hands clenched tightly and her knuckles blanched. "Did you do this?" she mutters.

Merrick's forced smile falls, "(Y/N)--"

"Did you do this?" (Y/N) whips around, glaring daggers at him.

Merrick slumps, "I..." He hesitates, struggling at first before relenting, "Yeah, I did. But look, you don't understand--"

"Why!?" (Y/N) yelled, "Why did you do this?"

Suddenly, it dawns on her. The sudden compliance when they began training together, the attempts to practice her roars, and the abrupt desire to be around her.

"You only wanted to win didn't you?" (Y/N) barks out a fake laugh, "You said you believed in me..." She clenches her jaw and roars, "But you're just like everyone else!"

"Babe, no, you'll get better eventually--"

"I'm scary!" (Y/N) sneers, "I'm as scary as you, I'm as scary as anyone!"

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