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        The clouds of the night soften the glow of the full moon. Under a sky of perfect midnight velvet, under stars so brilliant they drew the eyes heaven bound, a man stared aimlessly through the small window of the bedroom ceiling.

His pale nude body shimmered from the moonlight. He left his muscled body exposed to the cold, allowing his partner to steal the bed comforters from him. His golden orbs glance to the woman at his side. She was short and petite with gold wavy locks that sprawled over the silk pillows.

Her expensive dress laid on the floor with her undergarments. His clothes were laid separated far from hers, almost a symbolism of how he felt for her.

was a selfish lover. It was in his nature, cold and callous; he instinctively kept his heart sealed away and no one will ever be able to capture it, no matter how hard they chased after him.

Vasilis had been with various partners, all ranging from men and women, yet they never satisfied him. Sex was what powered him, what made him feel alive and satisfied his hunger.

Running a hand through his dark hair, Vasilis finally decided to leave. He quietly exits his lover's bed and gathers his clothes. As soon as he was dressed, he swiftly left the home of his short fling.

He quietly wandered through the nearby town. Upon his lips, Vasilis held a smoking white roll of tobacco. Compared to others, the nicotine did nothing to hinder his health. It was simply an addiction, the only thing other than sex that brought him a sense of peace.

Vasilis was a man who craved physical intimacy, yet wanted no emotional attachments. However, he wasn't sure how to get such a thing.

But then he saw a wooden sign hanging from a large inn. In cursive violet letters, the board said, "Madam Zersannies' Maidens".

Curiosity and boredom instinctively navigated Vasilis to the swinging doors. He slips through them, the double doors alarming a gentle door chime. The dining room that had once been impressive, now became years of neglect; reflected by the golden wallpaper that was torn in numerous places and the rusted candelabra that hung above the room with candles burning to its stumps. Nonetheless, a variety of men and women sat upon the cluster of tables, guzzling down glasses of alcohol.

"Welcome to Madam Zersannies' Maidens!" a middle-aged woman with blonde, almost white hair and eager blue orbs greeted the young man. She stood behind a bar table with various alcoholic drinks lined behind her on shelves. "Can I interest you in a drink or one of my girls?"

Vasilis raises a brow, "Girls?"

The woman smiles, "Follow me, son."

The woman exits the bar table and guides the young man through a silk curtain.

Various women were dressed in scanty nightwear. They all attempted their best to attract customers, playfully flirting or playing hard to get with the men and women. When the customers came to pay a nearby man, he allowed a maiden to follow the customer for the night.

"You run a brothel?" Vasilis murmurs.

"The only one in town," Madam Zersannies confirmed proudly, "Choose anyone you like."

Vasilis hums, silently agreeing to her offer. He scans the crowd of sex workers, finding them staring at him with playful eyes. They were all eager to be paid for their transaction.

However, Vasilis's eyes were caught upon a (h/c)-haired woman. Her body was accentuated by her nightwear. The black silk nightdress rivaled the color of a starless night. The dress was completely backless with a lace collar that dipped towards her breasts and thin sleeveless straps, revealing smooth (s/c) skin. Two splits along its short shirt revealed the skin of her thighs. Her hair was worn in a loose braid, nothing elaborate, yet the loose strands of her hair beautifully caressed her face. (E/C)-colored eyes stared kindly at him before a smile even appeared on her lips.

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