Hopeless Samsara (I)

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Part One

Ispera was a dominant empire along the Leiconan Sea. The fertile soil helped grow a diversity of crops and its waters allowed easy land expansion and trading with other nations. Their resulting wealth contributed greatly to their military strength, the strength of their weaponry, and the immense multitude of their men.

The enormous hall was decorated beautifully with various chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Red curtains aligned the large windows and open doorways with stall candelabras lined against the dark silver walls and sconce mounted on the golden columns. Various aristocrats were all dressed in their finest wears.

Amongst the nobles, men and women naturally flocked towards the Sultan.

A golden crown bejeweled with rubies rested upon his white hair. He donned a white knee-length coat, buttoned to the neck, with a gold sash around his waist and intricate gold embroidery on his collar. A matching white and gold robe was draped over his broad shoulders.

The court was a wicked game, its players motivated by corruption, power, and greed. No matter how much the Sultan wished to trap himself within his office, he had a duty to remind the arrogant aristocrats who is in charge.

A young woman held onto the arm of her companion; her father was a wizened man with a portly body and heavy eyes. Her dark emerald dress was extravagant. It was adorned with glittering designs that depicted vines around her waist and crawling up the bodice. The sleeves were long and ended at her wrists, yet revealed the smooth (s/c) skin of her collarbones and dipped towards the start of her breasts. An elaborate bun tied her (h/c) hair, yet it was loose enough to allow some strands to frame her face.

"Your majesty," she and her father greeted the Sultan.

The Sultan's orbs were a rich color of earth kissed by the rain. They illuminated brightly upon the sight of the young woman before a smile could even work its way onto his plush lips.

"King Joshua," the Sultan nodded towards the man who held her at his side.

"Sultan Sachar," the blonde male greeted in return, "It is an honor to be invited to your sultanate."

"It's only fair," Sachar replied, "My people and I offer peace. Our countries have fought against each other for too long."

King Joshua nudges his daughter forward, "This is my daughter, Princess (Y/N) (L/N)."

His dark orbs trace back to the woman before him. Sachar keenly watched as (Y/N) bows, tilting her head down as she held her skirt.

"It is an honor to be graced with your presence, Great Sultan," (Y/N) greeted him.

Talking her delicate hand, Sachar grazed his lips upon the back of her hand. Behind his slitted eyes, Sachar could see a slight flush upon her cheeks. "I hope you enjoy the festivities," Sachar smiled.

King Joshua narrowed his orbs. He tugs his daughter away, "Yes, thank you..." The father and daughter depart, but as they did, King Joshua muttered towards the girl, "Make sure to stay away from that man."

"I thought we were finally on good terms with Ispera," (Y/N) raised a brow.

"No," King Joshua hissed, "Those bastards are just waiting to stab us in the back. Just keep your distance from these people."

(Y/N) purses her lips, a feeling of disappointment upon her chest. She had hoped that things would be different this time... "Yes, father..."

Stringed instruments skillfully arouse music into the hearts of the men and women. The ballroom floor was abused throughout the night as various nobles swayed and twirled in the arms of their partners.

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