【 Drabbles/Canons】| Leonardo Borne (1/?)

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        The parlor had various tall walls of thick hardcovered novels. The walls are covered by two-storied shelves, in gilded or painted exotic woods; the painted ceiling blends harmoniously with the rest of the decoration. A long table was placed along the center of the room with various chairs. At the far end of the large chamber, there was a beige-colored wingback sofa with a curled armrest and small pillows. A fireplace was lit before the seat, a pleasant warmth radiating from the golden flames.

However, that warmth did nothing to erase the shock brought a quietness to the room.

The slap wrung throughout the parlor, leaving the minions that belonged to to fall eerily quiet. They were aghast to find Leon's own wife raising a hand against him. Her hit left a red mark on his pale cheek.

"Leave," Leon barks out, causing his guards to immediately race out of his office.

Leon turns back to his wife, the couple now left alone together. There was so much that he wanted to say, but he couldn't find the right words. Leon's blue orbs stared pitifully at the woman before him. Tears flowed down (Y/N)'s wife, her clenched jaw struggling to withhold the sobs that choked her.

"This is your fault," (Y/N) sobbed out, "This is all your fault!"

"I know," Leon muttered, unshed tears stinging his own eyes.

"I warned you," (Y/N) choked out, "I fucking warned you, you bastard!"

"I know," Leon repeats.

(Y/N)'s hand whips back on its own and she smacks Leon again and again. "I hate you!" she shrieks with each hit, "I hate you!"

Her screams were far worse than the ones she cried during that horrid day at the hospital. Her voice carried nothing but pure anger and fear. Her sobs absolutely primal, one that replicated the broken heart and horror of a woman that lost her child.

The couple was just asleep mere moments ago. Deep into the night, when the whole state of New York was asleep, Leon and (Y/N) were awoken by gunshots and glass shattering.

Without a second thought, (Y/N) barrelled out of the room and went in search of Nouvel.

Leon shouts out to her, attempting to stop the young mother, "(Y/N)!" He fails to grab her as she jumped off the bed. "Shit!" Leon curses. Seizing a pistol from beneath his pillow, Leon cocks his gun. Due to his career of being a mobster, Leon had to learn to protect himself and expect anything. It's too bad he didn't expect something like this.

The gangster stumbles out of his room. He scans the hallway only to find no one in sight. His wife was long gone.

The moon shines through the small window, basking the new nursery in a soft glow. The crib was fashioned from dark wood, smooth, and decorated with curtains hanging above its cushioned bed.

Pushing aside the curtains, (Y/N)'s horrified (e/c) orbs found the crib completely empty. There was absolutely no sign of a tiny baby boy wrapped in a soft blanket. No sign of his rich shade of (s/c) skin or his blue eyes and dark hair. Hysterical cries fell from the mother's lips and all (Y/N) could do was search for her child. She checked every corner and crevice for her baby, leaving nothing but a chaotic mess in her wake.

Gunshots soon died off and all that was left was a blaring white noise in (Y/N)'s ears. She failed to realize her husband's voice and how he took her into his office filled with all his goons.

In her misery, (Y/N) felt her anger boiling over. She attacked her own husband, though her brutal hits seemed to do nothing to the man.

Leon seizes her arms, stopping her assault. He watched as the young woman broke down further. There was nothing the but anger behind her sadness. He pulled her close. He could just see her face, red and wet with tears, terror in her eyes. Her sobs shook her entire body, her limbs falling numb. Leon holds her steady, allowing her to cling to him as she cried.

"I'm sorry," Leon laments, "I'm so sorry..."

Her words only made her sob even more.

"I..." Leon swallows thickly, "I shouldn't have brought you into this mess. I should've just left you and Nouvel alone, but I just--"

(Y/N) shoves him away, "I don't want to hear your excuses! You forced me to marry you! You took me away from my home! You lied to me about everything!"

"I'll get him back," Leon declares, causing (Y/N)'s cries to quiet down.

"I swear to God if you don't--" (Y/N) threatens.

"I will," Leon promises, "And this time, I'm really gonna make up for everything. I... I want to take care of you and our son. I love you, doll, more than anything in the world..."

"And look where that got us!" (Y/N) waves her arm to the holes in the walls and bullet shells on the ground. "I was better off without you! I fucking wish I never met you!"

Leon shakes his head, his refusal of the truth making him delusional, "You're distraught. You aren't thinking straight, doll."

(Y/N) attempts to slap him again, but Leon steps back in time. He cups her cheeks, staring into her tearful (e/c) orbs. "I'll make it up to you. I'll leave this mafia crap behind. I'll take care of you and Nouvel, better this time -- safe and away from everything."

(Y/N) quiet down, her sobs now sniffles. The woman was stuck with Leon. Even if he did leave the mafia, Leon will always have the grand amount of money he made. She wouldn't be able to leave him, he surely wouldn't let her. But could she at least hope for some sort of change, some solace of normality from him like she always desired once before?

"...Promise?" she stuttered out.

"I promise," Leon swore.

As he attempted to kiss her, (Y/N) dodged his touch. "Get my fucking son back," she snaps before leaving her husband to wallow in his parlor.

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