☾⍋✩⋆ Hiraeth *⍋✲⋆

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Part Three (final)

The winter season depletes and spring comes with a pleasant warmth, teasing trees out of their slumber and flower buds to fully flourish. In the black heavens of the midnight sky, the full moon graces its presence.

(Y/N) remained in the palace just as she always has. The young woman remained dedicated to her inevitable freedom, counting down the days until she could finally free herself from . Until then, she would remain by the imperial ruler's side, giving as much information to for as long as she could.

Trailing through the forest, (Y/N) finds herself meeting Fraron in the same place he both loved and broke her. The young man had grown out his hair and his scars were healing faster, though becoming less painful, they will forever remain.

"Fraron," (Y/N) stiffly greeted him.

"(Y/N)," A smile curves onto Fraron's lips, "How are you? I missed you--"

"The emperor still intends to take Renga, your counter-attack did little to sway him or his army."

"I know..." Fraron sighs.

(Y/N) continues, "He wants to convince the commoners in Renga to rebel against their nobles. He already placed one of his spies to infiltrate the lower class."

"I know," Fraron repeats, "I already took care of them."

"Then why am I here?" (Y/N) groans, "I was just about to go to bed once I received your letter."

"I..." Fraron choked. His mouth wires shut and lower his head. (Y/N) peered at him, yet the strands of his hair obscure the sight of his eyes.


"I just wanted to see you," he finally lifts his head, revealing a forced smile that contradicted his depressing feelings.

In all honestly, Fraron just missed (Y/N). He had hoped that he would've won back her affections during their time together, yet it did little to sway her disgust and hatred of him.

(Y/N) hums. "Well," she sighs, "I have to return back to Tirich before he notices I'm gone."

"Tirich?" Fraron laughs humorlessly, "Are you two on first name bases now? After all this time? After all that has happened?"

(Y/N) scoffs, "I don't have time for this, Fraron. Tirich is asleep right now, I need to go back to him before he wakes to me missing from his bedside."

A hand suddenly grips her wrist as (Y/N) attempts to depart.

"Let go, Fraron," (Y/N) demanded.

"Do you remember what we promised as children?" Fraron chokes out.

"What are you possibly talking about?" (Y/N) scowled, "What nonsense is this?"

"You and I promise to always be together," Fraron explained. "Please," he begs, tears burning his orbs, "Don't... Don't give up on us. Don't let go of what we have."

"Had," (Y/N) corrected him, "Fraron... You lied to me, you betrayed me, you practically pretended to fall in love with me!"

"I never once pretended to love you!" Fraron fought back, "You know that I loved you since we were children!"

"But you still manipulated that love for your own gain!" (Y/N) yelled. She smacks his hand off her, "Fraron, you can't possibly think that some measly childhood promise will convince me to forgive you!"

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