❅ All I Want For Christmas Is You ❅

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He still had the posture of a soldier, his movement quick and precise while his face was cold and distant. His dark hair had grown over time, no longer did he have to continuously shave it off. It was parted to the side with some of his black locks falling onto his narrow face. Behind the bangs of his hair were green orbs. Vibrant green infused with deep caramel spun around his pupils, their colors enchanting as they pleased one another.

A fitted white shirt was tucked into his dark pants while a black tie was wrapped around his folded collar. Over his white lab coat, he kept his stethoscope and held a clipboard in his hands.

As he sat before the hospital's head administrator, he read through the documents of his newest patient. "I'm to babysit a girl?" the young man rose a brow.

"No, Asa," the middle-aged woman answered. "(Y/N), is a patient that has been with us for a while now. She was admitted during your service, while you were away. She's was one of the survivors of the Ster Prus Invasion."

Asa recoiled in his seat, "I thought they all..." He falls silent, uncomfortable by the mere mention of the war.

"Died?" the woman finished for him, "Not all of them. The Mustard Gas attacks left them sick with a disease that's destroying their red blood cells. We're still researching possible cures for them."

"And (Y/N)...?"

"We've kept her stabilized for the most part," the woman answers, "We take her blood once a week to see if her medicines have been helping her. Your job is to administer her medicines and study her blood samples."

Asa purses his lips. The Great War had shaken the foundations of the world to its very core. Though the long battle was over, life must continue. No longer being forced to serve in the military, Asa was free to serve the people of his hometown.

He nods curtly towards his superior, "Alright."

- - - - - -

A young woman sat upon her bed, her back kept slightly elevated by her plush pillows. In her delicate hands were a leather-bound notebook and a pencil. Her heart beats stubbornly within her chest, her (s/c) skin was so pale as it was wrapped around her frail body.

"Hello," she croaked out.

Asa held his breath. His new patient was tiny, reminding him of a china doll. Her body was fragile with slender limbs. A woolen cap was fashioned around her head, keeping her scalp warm, as a sweater was over her hospital gown. Despite her fatal illness, a smile extended to her (e/c) eyes as they landed upon her new visitor.

The doctor cleared his throat, regaining his calm composure, "Hello, my name is Doctor Kent. You will be under my care for the duration of your stay."

"Hopefully, you don't get annoyed by me," the girl chuckles, "It's going to be a very long stay."

Removing a pen from the inner pocket of his lab coat, Asa clicks on its tip and flips onto the secondary page of his clipboard. "Let's start with your symptoms," he turns to her, "How do you feel today?"

"Same as usual," the girl answers. When she noticed his questioning gaze, she chuckles, "Cold. This hospital likes to freeze their patients."

A slight curl formed upon Asa's lips, "Any vomiting, nausea, or bleeding?"

"I let you know, if I do," the girl remarks, "And I'll definitely tell you if I end up having all three at once."

Asa puts aside his clipboard on a nearby counter. He takes his stethoscope and places its cold metal upon the girl's chest. (Y/N) shivers. "Sorry," Asa mutters as he quickly took note of her normal heartbeat and breathing.

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