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"oh my god, hold on i'm coming!" i yelled as i ran towards the door, fixing my outfit as i did so. the doorbell continued ringing which only made me roll my eyes. god, people can be so impatient sometimes.

i sped towards the door, fixing myself up properly before opening the door with a huff, being met by none other than my best friend.

"you're not ready yet?" he asked as he looked me up and down, making me let out a scoff.

conan and i have known each other since we were just babies. we were never really too close, usually only said 'hi' if we ever passed each other in the school corridors. but as the years went by, we grew closer and closer and now we're practically inseparable. he's my rock, i don't know what i'd do without him.

"i was getting ready just fine before you decided to break that damn bell." i rolled my eyes and walked back to my room, leaving the front door open for conan to close.

he walked into my room and placed his school bag next to my bed as i began brushing my hair. "where's your mom?"

"kitchen." i mumbled and he left with a nod.

conan is basically family at this point. he's really close with my parents, some might argue he's closer to them than i ever was.

i quickly got ready and swung my backpack over my shoulder, taking conan's bag along with me as i made my way to the kitchen.

i spotted mom and conan talking and shook my head with a smile, walking up to them. "cone, here." i handed him his back and he thanked me before going back to conversing with my mom.

i rolled my eyes before speaking. "we gotta go. bye mom." i embraced her and she kissed the top of my head, hugging me tight. "have fun, sweetheart." she spoke before doing the same with conan.

i swear he's like her son at this point.

conan and i walked outside the apartment and went down the elevator before getting into his car, the engine revving as he started it.

"so, what's up with you? anything new lately?" he asked as we drove down the road, music playing from the radio.

"same old, same old." i sighed, before asking him the same.

"eh, same." he replied and we both sat in comfortable silence, occassionally singing along to the song playing through the speakers.

he pulled over in the parking lot and we got out, walking towards the school. "what's after homeroom?" i asked, conan pursing his lips to the side as he thought for a second.

"english, i think?" he spoke, quickly taking out his phone to check our timetable. "yeah, english." he said with a nod and i nodded back at him with an 'okay.' we share the same timetable on mondays, wednesdays and fridays so that's a relief.

we walked into the school grounds, looking at the towering buildings in front of us. i let out a sigh as i walked towards our classroom with conan, mentally preparing myself for a tiring week.

we walked into class and took our seats as i turned around in my seat to talk to sabrina who was sitting right behind me. "hi, bri." i smiled, giving her a little wave.

sabrina joined school only last year but we didn't really have in-person school due to the virus. so obviously, we didn't know each other. but we got to meet this year and we've become really good friends.

we're not too close, but we're getting there.

"hi, y/n!" she exclaimed, giving me a wide smile.

we fell into comfortable conversation, conan joining us as well as we spoke about whatever came to mind. this is what i loved about us. no matter the situation, we always came up with the randomest shit to talk about. it might be about music, food or even school. but there was never a single awkward moment between any of us.

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