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running through the hallways in full speed, i rushed to my classroom. it's monday morning and i'm late to school. i'd completely forgotten that conan wasn't picking me up today so i'd wasted so much time waiting for him, only to remember that his car had broken down and he was taking the bus.

i huffed and panted as i finally reached homeroom, letting out a sharp breath as i stood in the doorway. the whole class including miss eilish turned to face me as i turned red - due to both embarrassment and exhaustion.

"y/n? you're late?" miss eilish asked in disbelief as she walked up to me.

"yeah s-sorry miss eilish." i stuttered out, still trying to catch my breath. "it won't happen again."

miss eilish sighed before taking out a piece of paper and scribbling something on it. "as much as i don't want to, i have to treat everyone equally." she whispered before handing the piece of paper to me. a detention slip.

are you fucking kidding me.

miss eilish gave me an apologetic smile before letting me inside the classroom and i walked over to my seat in the second row before slumping down in my chair.

sabrina and conan tried talking to me but i was in no mood right now. i had to catch my breath first and calm myself.

detention, really? you'd expect her to give me some kind of special treatment especially since i could straight up get her fired.

but unfortunately, she has to treat everyone equally.

miss eilish began taking attendance and i took this time to admire her. she was wearing a black silk dress that looked absolutely perfect on her with a short black coat on top, paired with matching jewellery.

i would be lying if i said my thighs weren't squeezed shut just by looking at her. just at the thought of everything i wanted her to do to me. god, i want her to fuck me so bad.

i quickly shook my head as i snapped out of my thoughts. she's my teacher, this is wrong. i can't be thinking of her this way.

but she kissed me.

my breath got caught in my throat when her gaze landed on me and we made eye contact, the tension between my legs only growing by the second. holy fuck i want her to eat me out.

she held my gaze for a few more seconds before slowly tearing her eyes away as she looked down at her register.

"we saw the way she was looking at you." conan spoke as i snapped out of my daze and turned to face him.


"she totally likes you back!" he exclaimed and my eyes immediately grew wide as i looked around the classroom, hoping no one else had heard.

thankfully the entire class was preoccupied with their own conversations so no one heard him. but unfortunately for me, miss eilish was staring at me with a frown on her face and her eyebrows raised.

i quickly looked away from her and glared at conan. "she heard you, you fucking idiot!" i whisper-yelled and he raised his hands up in defense.

"sorry sorry."

"conan wasn't wrong though." sabrina said with a shrug and i looked over at her. "if you ask me, i'd say she definitely likes you back."

i shook my head at this. "doesn't matter. it's not like we can have anything anyway."

"not with that attitude." conan said and i shot him a glare to which he just shrugged with a cheeky grin.

sabrina opened her mouth as if to say something but soon got interrupted by the one person i was dreading to meet today.

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