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"i'm excited." i admitted as conan, sabrina and i walked towards the physics lab.

"only you would be excited for anything related to school." conan said as he rolled his eyes, sabrina nodding in agreement.

"that's not true!" i exclaimed, getting defensive. "physics lab is fun."

"eh, chemistry is better." conan said, which made me whip my head towards him.

"are you out of your mind? chemistry is my least favourite lab."

"i don't care what you guys say but biology lab is the absolute best." sabrina shrugged as we turned the hallway of the physics lab.

"biology is alright, i still prefer physics though." i spoke and we finally reached the lab.

the door was wide open so we walked in to see miss eilish writing in her register. i noticed graded papers on her desk so my guess is she's entering the grades into her register.

the physics lab was an enormous room with six large tables placed in a row, each table accomodating about fourteen people. thirty six students in our class and we're split into groups of four for lab so nine groups, meaning two groups per table. so we sit quite spaced out, which is fine by me.

"good morning miss eilish." we greeted her as the three of us walked towards our table.

she looked up from her register and looked directly at me with a smile. "good morning."

sabrina and conan looked at me with their eyebrows raised as soon as we took our seats. "dude, what was that?" conan asked, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"what was what?"

"she totally just ignored us and smiled only at you!" sabrina whisper-yelled, making me shrug.

"i dunno." i mumbled.

the two of them looked at me weird but i only shrugged, making them shrug as well.

we waited for a few minutes for the rest of the class to file in before miss eilish spoke up.

"alright, gather around please." she instructed as she walked towards the table that conan, sabrina and i were sitting at, miss eilish now standing right next to me. she gave me a smile before turning to the rest of the class who were now surrounding our table.

"i called you to the lab because several of you hadn't finished the experiment you were supposed to have finished last class." miss eilish spoke, looking around the table. "so i'm giving you one more class. please finish your work before the end of this period." she said sternly, everyone nodding at her.

"oh, and i've corrected your test papers. come get it from me when i call your name out in attendance order." she said with a nod before telling us all to go back to our tables and work on our experiments.

"whew, thank god we finished the experiment." ander said with a smile as i glanced at bri and cone.

by we i think he means everyone but him.

yes, ander is the fourth person in our group for physics lab. he asked me and i couldn't get myself to say no, unfortunately. so we're stuck with him for the rest of the year.

i let out a nervous chuckle with a nod, not really knowing what to say. the four of us sat in silence, things getting awkward since his weird ass was sitting with us. he then spoke up, going on and on and on about something that i honestly could not care less about.

"fuck, i'm next." conan cut him off, referring to collecting our physics test papers. "i've done so bad." he groaned and i gave him a sympathetic smile.

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