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miss eilish visibly tensed at the question as she looked down at her ring. "uhm," she began, letting out a nervous chuckle. "i guess so."

i nodded slowly as i looked down at her ring as well. "congratulations." i spoke as i met her eyes again.

she frowned at me and opened her mouth as if to say something before deciding against it and closing her mouth again.

i raised my eyebrows at this and she noticed, sighing before shaking her head. "you have any homework?"

i nodded, knowing i had some math homework to complete. so i did just that. taking out my books, i glanced up at her for a quick second to see her eyes already on me before i got to work.

"you weren't paying attention during my class today." she remarked a few minutes later and i looked up at her as i nodded with a sigh.

"i heard you weren't paying attention in math too." she continued and i fought the urge to roll my eyes. of course miss amber went ahead and ratted me out to miss eilish.

"is everything okay?"

hm, let's see. the person i'm madly in love with is in love with someone else which already hurt bad enough but then she just had to add salt to the wound by kissing me but agreeing to marry someone else less than a week later!

so yeah, everything's okay.

noticing my hesitation, she sighed softly as she placed her hand on top of mine. i closed my eyes for a split second as i felt the coldness of her engagement ring on my skin.

"you know you can tell me anything, right?" she spoke in a gentle voice and as i opened my eyes and looked into hers, i wanted to believe her. her baby blue eyes searched mine with so much concern that i really wanted to believe that i could tell her anything.

and i almost did.

"billie?" the door swung open, revealing miss ruby, miss eilish' closest friend, standing there with an excited look on her face.

"hey what's up?" miss eilish asked as she took her hand back to herself and stood up, walking over to the door to talk to miss ruby.

"you're getting married?!" miss ruby practically screamed and miss eilish had to shush her, probably not wanting too many people to find out. "i can't believe you didn't tell me! i had to find out from ty's instagram!"

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry. i swear i was going to tell you later today." miss eilish responded with a slight laugh and miss ruby rolled her eyes somewhat playfully.

"i'm so happy for you but didn't you say you were falling out of love with him? what the hell happened to that?" she asked and my ears perked up at this. i know they were trying to be quiet or whatever but they really weren't being as silent as they thought they were.

"i..i really don't know. i guess i was wrong because the minute he proposed, i knew he was the one. i mean i did kinda like someone else recently but what i felt for them isn't even a fraction of what i feel for ty."


"that's so great, oh my god. i've seen the way you two look at each other and i'm telling you it's meant to be. and you keep talking about how good he makes you feel everytime you guys-"

"shut up!" miss eilish exclaimed with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks as she hid her face in her hands.

i almost puked as i turned my attention back to my homework, not really wanting to hear about how "good" ty makes her feel.

a few minutes of me completely tuning out of their conversation later, miss ruby left and miss eilish came back to her seat in front of me. all this while i'd had my injured hand under the desk so when i'd involuntarily placed it on top of the table, miss eilish gasped.

"your hand? what happened?!" she asked in a panic and i looked at her to see concern fill her eyes. but i only gave her a slight smile, shaking my head.

"i hurt myself."

"yeah well obviously." she said as she took my injured hand in hers, careful not to hurt me. "how?"

the way she was looking at me made me want to fold on the spot. her eyes boring into my soul as she looked at me worriedly but also lovingly? god, i wanted to kiss her senseless.

when i realized that my little simping moment tore me out of reality, i snapped out of my thoughts as i answered her. "banged my fist against the table."

"what? why would you do that?"

because i like you, you fucking idiot.

"it was an accident." i lied straight to her face, obviously not planning on admitting the real reason. i've already embarrassed myself enough today, no need to add on to it.

miss eilish furrowed her eyebrows at me before letting go of my hand with a soft sigh. "take care." she said with a cute little smile and i just wanted to hug her right then and there.

i nodded before looking back down to do my homework, not really wanting to deal with my feelings right now.

then i remembered again. she's marrying someone else. something changed in me and suddenly i was pissed all over again, wanting to scream or cry or do something, anything, to make the pain go away.

but since i couldn't do any of that right now, i decided on a different approach.

"so," i began, looking up from my homework to stare at her ring. "how does ty feel about our kiss?"

miss eilish's eyes grew wide as i focused my gaze on her, waiting for her answer. i know she's my teacher and i shouldn't have asked that but you can't blame me. this woman thinks it's perfectly fine to just kiss me and marry someone else.

"uhm-" miss eilish began, only for me to cut her off.

"he must've been so pissed when he found out. i wonder how he still asked you to marry him." i continued, knowing damn well ty isn't aware of a single thing that took place between us.

she seemed tense and red at my comment as she let out a nervous, breathy laugh, growing more panicked by the second as she looked away from me.

i'm enjoying this.

"he does know, right? or are you planning on keeping such a big secret from your soon to be husband?"

"he doesn't know, okay?!" miss eilish snapped as she tugged at her hair out of frustration. "he doesn't know and he never will. what happened between us meant nothing to either of us!"

wow, okay.

"it was just a spur of the moment kind of thing. things got heated and..we kissed." she mumbled as her eyes finally met mine, holding eye contact for a few seconds before looking away again.

"and you don't like me either. you made that very clear this morning." she added and i couldn't help but frown. of course i like her, did she really buy that? she's a little stupid for a physics teacher.

but i decided to keep my mouth shut, not really wanting to embarrass myself by confessing my feelings to my teacher.

i sighed softly as i nodded. i'm being fucking ridiculous. she's my teacher, of course nothing more was going to happen between us. there's no point in making her more uncomfortable than she probably already is.

i heard her take in a shaky breath before shaking her head. "it's whatever though. what happened is behind us, right? we're going to have to move past it unless we want this school year to be living hell."


what's with the whole changing "happierthanever" to "billieeilishhome"🤨

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