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the two of us looked at each other, bewildered. my gaze slowly shifted from her eyes to her lips and i knew she was doing the same. we were so close it was insane.

i felt my heart rate picking up as we just stared at each others' lips, me on top of her as i tried my best not to move.

wouldn't want to accidentally kiss her.

i mean i would, but she'd probably hate me after so that's not an option.

i slowly reverted my eyes back up to hers, not wanting to stare at her pink lips for too long. she shifted her gaze back to my eyes as well, a red tint on her cheeks and a shy smile on her lips.

gosh, she looks so cute.

it took me a few seconds to realize that her hand was resting on my lower back and as soon as i noticed, i couldn't help but blush. she then tightened her grip around my waist and i could feel her shift slightly under me, leaning up towards me like she was about to kiss me.

what is happening??

with one hand on my waist, she slowly brought her other hand up towards my cheek.

"are you guys okay?" came someone's voice right before miss eilish's hand touched my cheek.

our eyes grew wide as we looked at each other, knowing that the position we were in wasn't the most ideal. it sure as hell would've looked weird to anyone who was looking at us.

"i-" i began, only to be cut off when miss eilish threw me off her and stood up. and i ultimately landed on my ass on the hard floor with a thump.

miss eilish quickly turned to face me as panic filled her eyes, quickly reaching her hand out to help me.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry!" she exclaimed as she helped me up, an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. "are you okay? i'm sorry!"

i only nodded slowly, standing up straight as i turned to where the voice came from.

i could feel my entire body heat up when i realized who'd interrupted us.

"i was on my way to the restroom and saw you two on the ground. are you okay?" ander asked as i glared at him.

he seems to just love ruining my life.

miss eilish turned to face him as she spoke. "ander, yes uhm-" she looked at me for a split second before looking back at him. "the floor is wet so we just slipped."

"oh." ander said. "okay miss." he nodded before walking off to the restroom, leaving miss eilish and i with my sore ass.

miss eilish turned to face me as she pulled me into a hug. "i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to push you off like that. are you okay? does it hurt?"

holy shit she's hugging me?? my eyes grew wide, my face practically stuffed in her boobs.

i am literally living my dream.

i managed to let out a muffled "a little" and she let out a sigh before soothingly rubbing her hand up and down my back.

"i'm so sorry baby, it was an accident. i just panicked because-" she cut herself off as she sucked in a deep breath. "you know."

i'm sorry, did she just call me baby?

i nodded into her boobs, still in shock as to what was going on. oh i'm going to have so much fun telling sabrina about this.

"i'm sorry." she repeated as she squeezed my waist before slowly pulling away, one hand resting on my hip as she used the other one to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear.

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