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i opened my mouth to let out a scream but it came out muffled as soon as i felt a hand cover my mouth, the other one locking the door before resting on my stomach, pulling my back closer to their body.

what the fuck is going on?

i felt them hold me tight in their arms, trying to keep me in place. i tried to kick and scream in the person's grasp but all my efforts went to vain. i was powerless.

the more i tried moving around, the tighter they held me. who the hell is this and why have they brought me to the supply closet of all places? it fucking stinks in here.

"shh," the person began, keeping a firm grip on me. "it's just me."

wait a damn minute. i recognise that voice.

miss eilish?

i felt myself relax against her body as she slowly removed her hand from my mouth, knowing i wouldn't try to scream anymore. she then hesitantly let go of my stomach as i turned around to face her, backing away just a little.

"i'm sorry to startle you like this." she said with a nervous chuckle. "i just wanted to talk to you and i couldn't figure out how."

"you could've called me to your office..?" i said in a 'duh' tone and she sucked in a deep breath before nodding.

"right." she mumbled. "sorry, i haven't been able to think straight for the past few hours."

i raised my eyebrows at her statement, waiting for her to continue speaking. if she had to pull me into the supply closet to speak to me then it sure as hell must be important.

"okay, uhm-" she cut herself off with a nervous laugh, scratching the back of her neck. "i've been thinking about last night."

oh. last night.

was it embarrassing? no. embarrassing is when you fall down in the hallways in front of everyone and no one helps you up. but when you repeatedly ask your teacher who's engaged if she has feelings for you? that's embarrassing on a whole new level.

it's fucking mortifying, when you think about it.

i nodded slowly, gesturing for her to elaborate. where is she going with this? another speech on how wrong it was?

"in fact, i couldn't sleep at all. i stayed up all night long thinking about it." she said in a whisper and i only grew more confused. was it really that big of a deal that it kept her up at night?

does that mean she has feelings for me? that she stayed up all night to figure out how to leave ty and be with me instead?

"oh?" i said in a questioning tone and she nodded slowly. silence filled the closet which was more of a small room now that i think about it. it should be called a supply room, not a supply closet.


a sigh leaving my lips, i knew i better apologise before anything else could happen.

"listen, miss eilish-"

"no let me talk." she cut me off, her eyes on mine as i felt my heart flutter. i'd be lying if i said the stern tone she was using with me hadn't turned me on. like damn, put me in my place miss eilish.

sorry, sorry.

i could only nod as i stared at her, watching as her mouth opened and closed like she was contemplating what to say. and honestly, i don't blame her for struggling. i mean, what do you say to your student who asked you if you had feelings for her over and over again?

"sorry, i'm just trying to figure out how to say this." she said with a nervous chuckle and i couldn't help but smile at the sound that fell from her lips. god, i love her laugh. i could listen to her laugh all day and never get tired of it.

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