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"are you planning on telling conan about..miss eilish?" sabrina asked lowly as we made our way to class.

conan didn't drive me to school like he usually would since i ended up spending the night at sabrina's.

"no..i don't know." i mumbled as we walked into the classroom. he's been my best friend since forever and he's always been there for me. i guess he deserves to know. and besides, i wouldn't want him to feel left out now that sabrina knows.

sabrina only nodded before we went ahead and took our seats, greeting conan as we did so.

"hey you two." he smiled and we waved at him. "not y'all having a sleepover without me." he fake pouted and i laughed softly.

"sorry cone, it wasn't planned. some other time though?" i smiled at him as he nodded excitedly.

"we can do it at my place this weekend if you guys are up for it." sabrina chimed in and we turned to look at her.

"i'm down!" conan exclaimed immediately and i nodded too.

"sure yeah, sounds good." i spoke and sabrina smiled at me before nodding.

"good morning class." came the voice of the last person i wanted to see right now. i'd completely forgotten we had homeroom. sabrina gave me a knowing look and i just sighed before turning to face the class.

"good morning miss eilish." everyone dragged in unison before taking their seats.

i'd be lying if i said that finding out miss eilish had a boyfriend didn't hurt me. i mean, she was definitely being flirty the other day right?

or am i just reading this all wrong?

i shook my head as i tried to get myself to stop thinking about what happened on monday, knowing it would only make me feel worse. she's my teacher and i'm her student. that's it.

but she's so.

no, it doesn't matter if she's the most gorgeous person on earth. we could never have anything anyway.

she can do so much better than ty though. i genuinely don't understand how he pulled her.

i was snapped out of my thoughts when the morning announcements began through the intercom, making me sigh as i listened to them.

or at least tried to listen to them. no one ever tells you how distracting it is to have a hot teacher.

she was wearing a suit today and holy fuck she's sexy as hell??? her boyfriend is one lucky guy.

i involuntarily bit on my bottom lip as i checked my teacher out, knowing damn well most of the class was doing the same thing. and i honestly don't blame them, miss eilish belongs in a fucking art museum or some shit.

i lost my trail of thought when sabrina tapped my shoulder, whispering a "you're staring" in my ear.

i turned red as i looked at her with a guilty smile before turning back to face forward, right as the intercom disconnected with a beep.

"uh i don't have any other announcements so do whatever you want until the bell rings, i guess." miss eilish mumbled before slouching in her seat.

that's weird. she's usually all cheerful and full of energy. and she always has something to say or something for us to do. literally never gives us a free moment during homeroom.

"is it just me or does miss eilish seem kinda off?" conan whispered to sabrina and i which made me nod immediately.

"no i definitely think so too. she's acting strange." i replied.

"right? she seems a little..sad?" sabrina commented and i nodded before glancing at miss eilish who was leaning on the desk, a frown on her lips with her eyes already on me. but as soon as we made eye contact she immediately looked away.

i quickly turned back to conan and sabrina with a raised eyebrow. "is she looking at me?" i whispered and sabrina turned to the front of the class.

"yup, definitely." she said before giving me a little smirk.

i glared at her, knowing conan could see her smirk. she finally realized and gave me an apologetic smile. i turned to look at conan who seemed to be oblivious to what was happening, seemingly stuck in his own world.

"cone?" i called out and he snapped out of his trance to look at me.


"you good? you seem..distracted." i said and he only sighed.

"i'm fine. i'm just really fucking scared about the upcoming exams." he mumbled and i gave him an apologetic smile.

i was about to respond to him but was interrupted by someone i keep forgetting exists.

"hey!" ander exclaimed as he sat down on my table.

i looked at him and sighed, giving him a quick nod with a fake smile.

"can i get your number?" he asked out of nowhere and i looked at him with wide eyes, really not wanting any more interaction with him that i already am obliged to do at school. but he took notice of this and grinned. "for tutoring, you know? we have to fix timings and everything."

"uh," i let out a nervous chuckle. "we can talk about it here?"

"well of course we can, silly. but what if we have to cancel or change the timings last minute? we wouldn't want to miss a tutoring session because of a scheduling conflict, would we?" he asked with that stupid smirk of his and god knows i wanted to punch it right off his face.

i sucked in a sharp breath before blowing it out slowly, knowing i had no choice. "fine." i mumbled and he quickly took his phone out as he handed it to me.

mentally rolling my eyes, i typed out my number and handed his phone back to him. he gave me an eager grin before leaning in closer to my face.

get out of my face.

"would you like to go get coffee with me after school today?" he asked and i visibly tensed. "to discuss the timings for tutoring, of course." he added with a wink as he placed his hand on mine and i swear i threw up in my own mouth.

i looked behind him to see miss eilish watching the interaction with her hands tapping the table. she furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed my uncomfortable face, soon raising an eyebrow as she realized i did not want to be around ander right now.

miss eilish cleared her throat as she made her way over to our table, now towering over us. "ander." she called out which made him stand up and look up at her, surprised.

"yes miss?" he asked, suddenly all timid.

"go back to your place." she said sternly and he looked at her with his eyebrows furrowed.


"i said go back to your place now." she demanded and he gulped audibly before nodding.

oh she's hot.

"right um, yeah. okay." he mumbled before scurrying off, leaving conan and sabrina stifling their laughter.

miss eilish watched him go back to his seat before turning to face me, giving me an appealing smile as she placed her hand on my shoulder. i looked at her hand before looking back up at her, a smile on my lips when she squeezed my shoulder before walking back to her table.

"is it just me or am i sensing something between miss eilish and you?" conan whispered but i was all too focused on miss eilish to reply.

"shut up, conan." sabrina nudged him which made him raise his arms up in defense.

"just me? okay." he mumbled with a slight laugh.

i smiled slightly when miss eilish took her seat and made eye contact with me, earning a grin from her as she blew a quick kiss in my direction.



school starts next week bye i'm not ready at all

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