twenty three

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when i just remained quiet after his question, he turned to face sabrina. "bri. you saw that, right? there's no way that was a normal teacher-student interaction. back me up here."

sabrina looked between the two of us with an unamused expression before speaking. "saw what?"

thank god she never pays attention.

conan formed his lips into a thin line before shaking his head, turning to the guy sitting behind him. "yo. you saw that right? miss eilish and y/n interacting?"

"yeah.." he replied with his eyebrow raised.

"no way that was a professional teacher-student interaction, right? like they were totally flirting with each other!"

see this is why i haven't told conan any of the things i told sabrina about miss eilish and i.

i held my breath as i waited for an answer, my fingers crossed under the table in hopes that he wouldn't think anything was going on. getting miss eilish in trouble is the last thing i want to do.

"nah man. that interaction seemed pretty normal from here." he replied and i slowly exhaled, relieved that no one other than conan had noticed.

cone rolled his eyes before facing me, eyeing me curiously. "you sure there's nothing going on between you two?"


"and if something was going on, you'd tell me right?" he asked with his head tilted to the side and i took in a deep breath before blowing it out slowly.

"mhm." i gave him a hesitant nod and he raised his brows but seemed somewhat convinced and dropped the topic.

i let out a sigh of relief before turning my attention back to the front of the class, watching miss eilish scribble something on the board.

the way she moved her hips from side to side in order to write whatever it was that she was writing did something to me, if i'm being honest. and i sure as hell wasn't being subtle because next thing i knew, sabrina was tapping my shoulder.

"dude, stop staring at her ass."

my face turned bright red at her statement but i made no effort to shift my gaze, completely focusing on the woman in front of the class.

"i- just- shut up." i stuttered out and heard sabrina giggle before squeezing my shoulders and letting me be.


i peeped my head into the room before walking inside, noticing how it was only miss eilish in there. i smiled as i watched her scroll through her phone, legs crossed on top of her table with her body sinking down the chair.

"hi." i said quietly as i closed the door behind me and she turned off her phone as she looked at me, grinning while standing up.

"hey pretty." she walked towards me with her usual sweet smile which made me want to melt on the spot. "i missed you."

"i missed you too." i smiled as i reached up to hold her cheeks, pulling her in for a quick kiss.

"how's my favourite girl doing?" she asked and i felt my cheeks heat up with a smile at the way she referred to me.

"i'm okay. how are you?" i asked softly as she took my hands in hers.

"i'm okay too." she squeezed my fingers and pressed a kiss to my cheek, watching my skin flush. "i'm sorry you had to miss lunch for this. i had to give everyone else after school detention."

i smiled as i looked up at her. "it's fine. i'd much rather be here with you anyway."

"you're so cute." she giggled as she tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear. "like absolutely adorable."

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