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fun? what does she mean by 'fun'? bend me against the table and fuck me senseless? because i honestly wouldn't mind that.

kidding, kidding.


i mentally facepalmed, shaking my head ever so slightly. i read too much wattpad.

i looked up at her to realize that she was waiting for my answer so i gave her a smile and nodded. "sure miss."

she returned the smile as she took my hands in hers. "okay, let's go." she said before standing up, pulling me up along with her.

"where?" i asked and she just smiled at me before letting my hands go.

"just follow me." she instructed and i watched as she walked out of the classroom. i waited for a few seconds and just stood there, collecting my thoughts.

what the fuck is happening?

i quickly grabbed my bag and rushed out of the classroom, soon catching up with her as i walked behind her. we made our way out of the building before she got into her car and i stood outside the passenger seat up front, confused.

"aren't you going to get in?" she asked with a laugh when she noticed me just standing there like a deer in headlights.

"oh- uhm, yeah." i let out a nervous chuckle as i opened the door and got inside, fastening the seatbelt.

i turned to face her as she started the car, trying to figure out what was going on. where was she taking me? is this even allowed?

"miss eilish?" i asked softly once we'd been driving for a few seconds.

"yeah, hon?" she asked in the same tone while keeping her eyes on the road. i felt my cheeks flush at the nickname as i cleared my throat.

why am i blushing?

"shouldn't i be in detention right now?"

she laughed softly as she shook her head, keeping a firm grip on the steering wheel which made her nerves show. holy fuck that's hot.

"we both know miss urla probably gave you detention for a stupid reason. and even if she did have a valid reason, one hour is more than enough." she said with a smile and i tore my eyes away from her hands as i looked out the window on my side.


she leant over and turned on the radio as we drove in comfortable silence for a few more minutes until the car came to a screetching halt.

thank god for that seatbelt.

miss eilish got out first and i followed, taking in a deep breath before stepping out of the vehicle. i'm sure that if anyone spotted us here we'd get in trouble but miss eilish didn't seem to care.

"come on." she said as she curled her index finger in the 'come here' motion.

fuck me.

nope. still my teacher. breathe.

i let out a sharp breath of air as i nodded and walked up to her before she made her way to the ice cream shop nearby.

i'm getting ice-cream with my super hot teacher who i definitely do not have a crush on, what is going on?

we walked into the shop which made the bell jingle and i sheepishly followed behind my teacher as she went to the counter to order our ice-creams.

"what would you like?" she asked as her eyes scanned the options displayed, her finger which was adorned with rings tapping the glass.

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