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"are we still on for our sleepover tonight?" sabrina asked as made our way towards the parking lot.

it's currently friday afternoon and we're finally done with school. this week was eventful to say the least.

"yeah." conan spoke and i nodded in agreement.

"okay great." bri smiled as we continued walking.

"i have my first tutoring session with ander now." i groaned and the two of them looked at me.

"right after school?" cone asked sympathetically and i nodded as i ran my fingers through my hair.

"he said he was free only now so.." i trailed off as i kicked a pebble in my path.

"well that sucks." sabrina frowned as she looped her hand in mine. "we'll make sure to make up for it by having fun tonight though."

"i'm counting on it." i said with a laugh as we finally reached our cars.

unlike usual, i'd brought my own car today since i knew i'd have to drive to ander's right after school.

i hugged both of them goodbye before getting into my car. "see you guys tonight?"

"see youu." they waved with a smile as i slammed the door shut, giving them a final wave before pulling out of the parking lot.

i turned on the radio as i drove towards his house, reaching there in less than ten minutes. i gasped softly as i got out of my car and stood in front of what looked like a fucking mansion, double-checking the address that he had texted me to make sure i had the right house. a long sigh leaving my lips, i walked up to his door and rung the bell.

it only took a few seconds for the door to swing open and i gave ander an awkward wave.

"hey!" he grinned as he opened the door wide. "come on in!"

"thanks." i said as i walked inside, looking around the house and taking everything in. oh he's loaded.

"nice house." i commented and he gave me a toothy smile.


i nodded slowly as i followed him into what i assume is the dining room. there was a long table with several chairs and ander pulled one out, waiting for me to sit down.

i thanked him with a slight smile as i took my seat, ander now pulling a seat out for himself as he sat down as well. "alright, let's start?" i asked as i reached into my bag and took out my books.

he nodded as he did the same, scooting closer to me in the process.

i raised my eyebrows at him before shrugging, beginning the lesson. "right so-"

"wait, before we start." he cut me off as i looked at him curiously, waiting for him to continue. "you know how the school dance is coming up next month?"


he chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck before speaking. "do you think you would want to..go with me?"


"y/n!" sabrina exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug, a soft laugh escaping my lips as i embraced her. "bri!"

conan, sabrina and i are having a sleepover today at sabrina's house. conan is already here but i'm late because i had to tutor ander.

we pulled away from the hug as she took my hand and led me to her bedroom where i spotted conan sitting on her bed. "hey!" he grinned and i fist-bumped him as i sat down next to him.

"so, how was tutoring?" sabrina asked as she sat down on the bean-bag in front of us.

"it was fine, i guess. he seemed to have finally learnt something so that's good."

the two of them nodded. "when's your next session?" conan asked and i groaned.

"monday. i'm dreading it. he kept flirting with me the whole damn time." i ran my fingers over my face and sabrina shot me a sympathetic look.

"and uhm," i cleared my throat as i let out a nervous chuckle. "he kinda asked me to the dance.."

sabrina's eyes grew wide as a soft gasp escaped her lips. "what? you said no, right? please tell me you said no."

"..i said yes."

"what?!" conan leaped out of bed as he looked at me, sabrina standing up and doing the same. "you're kidding right? there's no way you said yes!"

"i just- i panicked, okay! i didn't know how to reject him! so i just ended up saying yes." i let out a frustrated groan as i tugged at my hair.

"oh my god you fucking idiot!" sabrina spoke as she paced around the room. "not only do you have to tutor him now, you also have to dance with him!"

"don't you think i know that?!" i yelled back as i hid my face in my hands. "god, i can't believe i said yes. i don't even like him! i like miss eilish-!"

i used my hand to slam my mouth shut as soon as i realized what i'd just said. i let it slip in front of conan. sabrina looked at me with wide eyes before the two of us looked at conan who looked confused as hell.

"wait, what?" conan asked as he went back to his seat on the bed. "you like miss eilish?"

i let out a long sigh as i nodded. no point in hiding it anymore. "yeah. i like miss eilish."

conan's confused expression was replaced by the biggest grin ever. "i fucking knew it! i knew i sensed something between you two! my senses never lie." he jumped up as he punched the air and began cheering.

i turned bright red out of embarrassment as i shook my head at him, sabrina laughing at his unexpected reaction.

"she has a boyfriend though." sabrina pointed out once conan calmed down and took a seat.

he raised his eyebrows as he looked between the two of us. "for real?"

i nodded slowly before adding, "and the other day he was at school." i began, looking at sabrina who tilted her head to the side curiously. this was news to her. "and he asked me to lead him to miss eilish' office. apparently he's planning on proposing to her next week?"

sabrina gasped softly as she threw her hands up in the air. "i cannot believe that douche bag is going to marry her!"

i laughed softly at sabrina's reaction before shaking my head. "it's fine though because i overheard miss eilish telling miss ruby that she was falling out of love with him." i did a little dance and sabrina's eyes lit up.

"holy shit what?!" she grinned as she leaped towards me and hugged me tight, making me fall back on the bed as i hugged her back with my legs around her waist as i held her in my arms.

it took everything in me to resist from telling her that miss eilish kissed me. not once, but twice. and the several moments we'd shared leading up to the kiss had to go unmentioned as well.

i'll definitely end up telling her at some point though. probably when conan isn't here. i mean, i love conan and everything but that boy cannot keep his mouth shut when it comes to gossip.

although i'm sure he can keep quiet if i ask him to. i know he won't tell anyone that i like miss eilish.

i hope.


filler kinda🧘‍♀️

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