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tw: brief mentions of blood?

i took a few seconds to take deep breaths, not really wanting to break down in the middle of my next class. english with miss alice.

that's when i realized. it's monday which means i have second period physics. so i have to see her again in less than an hour?!

and suddenly the tears just poured. i don't know what happened but i just stood there, crying my eyes out.

what kind of a person kisses someone twice and then agrees to marry someone else? how does that even work? does ty know that she kissed me? or is she just planning on keeping it a secret for the rest of her life?

i banged my fist on the table before wincing in pain. shouldn't have done that.

my knuckles were red and burning from the harsh contact but i couldn't care less. i cannot process the fact that miss eilish is marrying someone else.

he doesn't even look like he deserves her! he looks like a rat that got run over and then torn into pieces by a bird and from what i saw the other day, all he does is make miss eilish mad.

i let out a deep breath as i rubbed my eyes, wiping the tears away before sighing. no use crying over something i can't control.

i stood there for a few more seconds to just compose myself before grabbing my bag and walking out. i knew i was late to class but miss alice is nice, she'd understand.

i stood in the doorway as miss alice turned to face me, my knuckles still burning. "sorry, miss eilish wanted to speak to me." i explained and miss alice nodded, gesturing for me to take a seat.

as i made my way to my seat, i saw sabrina looking at me with raised eyebrows and a slight smirk. but when i shook my head, concern filled her eyes as she tilted her head to the side. she mouthed a 'you okay?' to me but i just shrugged before taking my seat.

"what's wrong?" she whispered to me since she was sitting right behind me but i didn't reply, shaking my head as i tried paying attention to the class instead.

"what is the boy now who has lost his ball. what, what is he to do?" miss alice read from the textbook and as anticipated, everyone snickered.

i'd be lying if i said it hadn't brought a smile to my face as well as i tried stifling a laugh.

but miss alice just rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore the laughter as she continued. "i saw it go merrily bouncing down the street, and then merrily over - there it is in the water!"

she looked at the class and glared at those who were trying their hardest but failing miserably to contain their laughter. "no use to say 'o there are other balls'. an ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy." she continued and just about everyone burst into laughter.

i looked around my class to see every single person turning red either because they were still trying to fight the urge to laugh or because they were laughing too hard.

i turned to the front to see miss alice glaring at all of us and i was laughing my ass off at this point, unable to keep it in anymore. sure, we were behaving like little children but who gives a fuck? not me.

"enough!" miss alice suddenly exclaimed as she slammed the book on her table, startling everyone as the whole class went quiet.

i didn't know this sweet old lady could get mad.

"the ball the poet is talking about here is a metaphor for childhood and innocence! what ever happened to your innocence?!" she yelled at us and somehow, this one boy managed to laugh at that.

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