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"sabrina!" i yelled out as she stopped in the hallway and turned around to face me, her eyebrows furrowed.

"what?" she asked as i ran up to her with my things.

"did you see what miss eilish did?" i whisper-yelled to her and she looked at me weird.

"no? what did she do?"

"she.." i trailed off as i looked around, making sure no one was listening. i then leaned in closed to whisper in her ear. "she blew a fucking kiss to me."

sabrina's eyes grew wide as she tilted her head to the side. "she- what?!"

i nodded vigorously as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"so she just randomly blew you a kiss." she stated and i sucked in a deep breath.

"yeah. right after she yelled at ander to go back to his place. she sat down at her desk and blew me a kiss!" i exclaimed, quickly closing my mouth when i realized how loud i was being.

i looked around in a panic, knowing that if someone heard me it would get miss eilish in trouble. but thankfully the hallways were loud enough for my voice to be drowned out.

"so, what she likes you now?" sabrina whispered and i shook my head immediately.

"no she- she has a boyfriend?" i said in a questioning tone before leaning against one of the lockers behind me.

"but she's been giving you so many signs!" sabrina whisper-yelled and i took a few seconds to process everything that happened these past few days.

i let out a long sigh as i stared at the ground, folding my arms over my chest. "maybe we've been reading it wrong." i mumbled before looking up at bri.

"i mean, she's my teacher. she can't possibly like me. and also she has a boyfriend who she seemed to be so in love with from the two seconds i saw the other day."

sabrina raised an eyebrow before shrugging. "i dunno. maybe you're right. let's just see where this goes, i guess."

"yeah." i nodded. "anyway, we should probably get to class. see you next period?"

she smiled as she waved at me and walked in the opposite direction since we had different classes right now. i sighed softly as i made my way to my next class - math.

"shit! sorry." i said as i accidentally bumped into someone making both of us stumble backwards.

as i looked up at the person i'd just bumped into, my eyes grew wide. no no, this can't be happening.

"it's fine." he smiled as he looked at me as well, his face morphing into realization.

"hey, you're the same kid who helped billie with the groceries the other day!" ty exclaimed and i put on a fake smile as i nodded.

"yeah, that's me." i mumbled.

"can you help me find her? i have no idea where her office is and no one is stopping to help me." he asked with genuine confusion in his voice and i slowly nodded.

it's not like i could just say no.

"sure. follow me." i spoke and he gave me a grin before we began walking.

"y/n, right?" he asked after a few seconds of silence and i looked at him with a raised eyebrow before nodding.

how the fuck does he know?

he noticed my confused expression and laughed. "billie talks about you. quite a lot, actually. you're pretty much her favourite student in the whole damn school."

i couldn't help the blush that took over my cheeks at his words. she talks about me? to her boyfriend?

"she a good teacher?" he questioned and i looked at him with a slight smile.

"yeah she's..she's amazing, honestly. we're really lucky to have her." i spoke as i looked straight ahead, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside as i thought about her.

he nodded with a chuckle. "i'm really lucky to call her mine." he said out of nowhere and i swear i almost puked on the spot.

no need to remind me that she's taken.

"i'm actually thinking about proposing soon." he continued and i whipped my head towards him so fast, the room began spinning.

"what?" i asked, my voice just above a whisper.

he turned to me with a grin as he nodded. "yeah. maybe next week."

why the fuck is he telling me about this?

"that's..cool." was all i could say and i kept my head low for the rest of the way.

it took us a few more minutes but we finally reached miss eilish's office, knocking on the door twice before walking inside.

she looked up at us and gasped in surprise as she stood up and practically ran to her boyfriend, embracing him in a tight hug before placing a kiss on his lips.


i just stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before turning around to leave, knowing there was probably no use in me staying there anymore.

right as i was about to close the door behind me, miss eilish called out to me.


i turned back to face her, noticing that she was walking towards me. "let me walk you to class and let your teacher know why you were late. wouldn't want a repeat of what happened with miss urla on monday." she said with a slight smile and i nodded hesitantly.

she grinned at me before closing the door behind us, leaving ty alone in her office as we made our way to my class. "what do you have now?"

"math with miss amber." i spoke as we walked down the hallway.

"i'm sorry he bothered you." she suddenly said and i nodded slowly

"it's fine."

we walked in awkward silence for a seconds, mostly because i was too focused on my thoughts to pay any mind to her.

he was going to propose, meaning she was going to be engaged and then married in a few months.

why does that make me want to cry?

i let out a soft sigh as we continued walking, miss eilish noticing how weird i was acting.

"you okay?" she asked as i looked up at her, her eyes holding so much concern.

"yeah, i'm fine." i said with an obviously forced smile and she furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"are you sure? you don't seem yourself, y/n."

"i'm sure. thank you though, miss eilish." i spoke with a nod.

she opened her mouth as if to say something but quickly shut it, seemingly deciding against saying anything.

what happened next is probably something that i will never forget. we turned into a different hallway and the floor was wet but miss eilish apparently didn't notice and she slipped immediately.

in a state of panic, my eyes grew wide and i reached my hand out to her right as she was about to fall. but not being strong enough, i ended up falling as well. right on top of her.


everyone go stream sabrina's version of that's not how this works

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