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"sarah!" i smiled as sabrina's sister opened the door, a gasp leaving her mouth as soon as she saw me.

"y/n!" she exclaimed before tackling me in a hug. sabrina introduced the two of us a few months ago and we hit it off immediately. "i didn't know you were coming over, come on in!"

i chuckled softly as i walked inside, taking a look around the house. just as cozy as it was the last time i was here. "sabrina's in her room." sarah said with a smile and i thanked her before walking up the stairs.

two knocks on her door before opening it, i walked in to see sabrina laying on her bed with her dog goodwin.

"briii." i dragged out as i ran over to her and hugged her tight, falling on the bed in the process.

"y/nnnn." she giggled as she hugged me back.

i rolled off her and sat on the bed and soon she sat up as well, looking at me curiously. "what took you so long?" she asked softly and i looked over at her with a grin.

"well uh, i saw miss eilish and helped her with her groceries." i answered and she let out an "ohhhh." while nodding.

"she lives near here?"

"yeah, a few blocks away from my place." i answered and she nodded again.

"that's cool."

i didn't know if i was allowed to tell anyone this next piece of information since it was a part of miss eilish's personal life but i couldn't help myself. i needed to get it off my chest.

"did you know she has a boyfriend?" i blurted out and sabrina whipped her head towards me so fast i'm surprised it didn't come off.

"what?" she asked with her eyes wide, her head tilted to the side. "miss eilish? boyfriend?"

"yeah." i said slowly. "they kissed when i dropped off the groceries."

"woah." she said as she leaned forward. "are you serious?"

"as a heart attack!" i spoke and she quickly took out her phone.

"hold on, let me just.." she trailed off and i looked over her shoulder to see her logging into a fake instagram account.

"what are you doing?" i asked sternly, knowing exactly what was going on.

"shh." she giggled before looking up miss eilish's name and hitting request to follow. "and now we wait."

i looked at her with a raised eyebrow and she shrugged. "what? i just wanna find out who this lucky guy is."

i laughed softly at her as i shook my head and she placed her phone down. "anyway, what's up?"

"oh well-" i was cut off by a notification from brina's phone which she tended to immediately, a gasp escaping her lips as she looked up at me with a smirk. "we're in."


i looked at her phone curiously as she clicked on miss eilish's account, tapping the most recent post.

holy fuck she's pretty.

sabrina scrolled through the slides before finally stopping at the one photo i did not want to see. the man kissing my teacher.

sabrina snorted as she stared at the picture. "he's not even that hot, how the hell did he land her?"

i couldn't help but laugh at her comment, nodding vigorously in agreement. she couldn't be more right about anything.

the guy was tagged so she clicked on his account, a mischievous laugh leaving her mouth when she realized his account was public.

she looked through his account for a few minutes before looking up at me explanatorily. "okay so his name is ty, he's thirty two and a software engineer. moved to la from chicago a few years ago and lives with his girlfriend who is..miss eilish." she mumbled the last part. "still confused as to how he landed her, but yeah."

i took the phone from her as i scrolled through his posts, my heart hurting as i saw a few of him with miss eilish, both of them looking happy doing coupley shit. a frown involuntarily took over my lips as i looked at the lovey-dovey captions and sabrina took notice of this, scooting closer to me before taking her phone back.

"hey." she said as she placed her hand on my shoulder. "is everything okay?"

i let out a shaky sigh as i nodded, petting goodwin who happened to be laying down next to me. "yup."

"no, clearly not. what's wrong? talk to me." she spoke with genuine concern and i couldn't say no to her. i just couldn't.

"i just.." i trailed off, closing my eyes for a split second knowing the words that were about to leave my mouth were embarrassing. "i kinda have a thing for miss eilish." i mumbled.

"huh?" she asked softly, tilting her head to the side. "what did you say?"

"i have a..thing. for miss eilish." i said a bit louder this time and sabrina's face contorted into realization.

"oh." she said and i nodded.


"you have a crush on her." she spoke and i nodded again.

"it just caught me off guard, all this boyfriend shit. it's fine though. i mean, i knew i didn't have a chance with her. obviously. she's my teacher after all."

sabrina sighed as she pulled me into a hug. "it's okay. you can do better anyway." she said and i let out a laugh in disbelief.

"yeah right. better than miss eilish." i said and she chuckled softly.

"okay fine. she's probably the most gorgeous woman ever. but still." sabrina spoke with a smile as she kissed my cheek.

"i'm just confused." i said with a sigh. "she's been giving me mixed signals."

sabrina pulled away from the hug and sat up, her eyebrows raised. "signals?"

"she.." i trailed off, remembering how miss eilish made me promise not to tell anyone about this. "never mind." i mumbled and sabrina tilted her head to the side.

"no, tell me." she said and i sighed softly, knowing damn well i couldn't say no to her even if i wanted to.

"fine but promise you won't tell anyone. i'm not supposed to be saying this to you." i said sternly and sabrina nodded immediately.

"you know how miss urla gave me two hours of detention yesterday?" i asked and she nodded, waiting for me to continue. "well she had to leave so miss eilish came instead."

"oh?" sabrina questioned and i nodded.

"yeah and i uhm- i attended only one hour." i mumbled and sabrina raised an eyebrow. "miss eilish took me out for ice-cream the second hour."

"miss eil- what?!" sabrina yelled, completely taken aback.

"and she..she fed me. she fed me ice-cream. and then made me feed her?" i said in a questioning tone as i thought back on yesterday's events. "then out of nowhere she called me pretty? she was like 'you're actually really pretty'."

"holy shit?" sabrina said and i nodded.

"she then dropped me home and-" i cut myself off by taking in a deep breath. "she leaned over to my side to look at my house through the window. but she placed her hand on my thigh?"

"what?" sabrina asked, a gasp escaping her lips.

"yeah and then- and then she looked at me, right. and we were so close. our faces were almost touching. and she looks down at my lips for a second? but then she goes back to her seat and says she'll see me tomorrow." i finished, letting out a sigh of relief. feels good to have got that off my chest.

"oh my god." sabrina whispered as she looked at me with wide eyes. "our teacher took you out for ice-cream, called you pretty and then almost kissed you?"

"pretty much, yeah." i mumbled as i ran my fingers through my hair. "and today i find out she has a boyfriend, what the fuck is that?"

sabrina only shrugged, pursing her lips to the side. "i don't know. it's weird. i mean, it definitely seems like she's been giving you signals."

"yeah." i nodded before looking straight into her eyes. "you better not tell anyone though." i said sternly and she smiled at me.

"i won't tell a single soul."


vacation is boring so here you go

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