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"fucking bitch." i muttered under my breath as i made my way through the halls, finally escaping detention.

as i replay the events of the past hour in my head, i can't help but get more pissed off by the second. the way she talked about ty and i to miss ruby makes my blood boil and it's taking everything in me not to punch something right now.

"stupid, stupid, stup-" i continued but cut myself off when i bumped into someone.

"woah, y/n are you okay?" i looked up to see sabrina staring at me with concern in her eyes, my face softening instantly.

she furrowed her eyebrows at me, probably noticing that something was off. she can read me too well and i hate it sometimes. "what's wrong?"

i looked down at the floor as i took in a deep, shaky breath. "miss eilish." i mumbled, running my fingers through my hair.

"what happened?" she asked as we began walking to our next class which bri and i thankfully shared.

"she's such a bitch." i said softly as i looked straight ahead, feeling sabrina's stare on me but choosing to ignore it. i'm in no mood to elaborate right now, i just want to forget about everything that happened.

sabrina sighed softly after realizing she wasn't going to get any explanation and she just shook her head, both of us walking into the classroom and taking our seats.

the teacher soon walked in and greeted us, letting us know that she was going to give us a free period for once. this caused everyone to burst into chatter except for bri and i.

noticing her intense stare on me, i sighed softly as i raised an eyebrow. "what?"

"are you serious not going to tell me what happened?" she asked and i fought the urge to roll my eyes as i ran my fingers through my hair.

i took in a deep breath before blowing it out slowly as i spoke. "fine. we were the only two people in the room. i saw her ring again and asked if she was engaged. and she said that she was. so i congratulated her and began doing my homework. suddenly, she asks me if everything's okay and tells me that i can tell her anything." i started, sabrina raising her brows in curiosity as she waited for me to continue.

"then fucking miss ruby interrupts and miss eilish goes to talk to her, right. she congratulates her on her engagement and everything but then brings up the fact that miss eilish said she was falling out of love with ty." i continued and sabrina sat up straight, a sly smile on her lips at the gossip she was getting as she nodded.

"and uhm-" i cut myself off, letting out a shaky sigh as i felt all the emotions hit me at once. "she..she said that as soon as ty proposed, she knew he was the one. and that-" i closed my eyes for a split second as i tried to compose myself. "and that what she felt for someone she'd liked recently isn't even a fraction of what she feels for ty."

sabrina's eyes grew wide, her mouth hanging open as she took that in. she looked at me in disbelief and i only nodded, making her scoff as she shook her head. "you're joking, right? no way in hell did she actually say that."

"she did." i mumbled as i looked away from her and stared into space.

"in front of you too?" she scoffed again. "the audacity."

"i was pissed, obviously." i continued as i looked back at bri. "and a while later, something happened to me. i don't know why but i ended up asking her how ty feels about our kiss."

sabrina's eyes lit up at this as she leaned forward in her seat, seemingly excited to learn what happened next.

"then i told her that ty must've been pissed and told her i was wondering how he still asked her to marry him."

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