twenty seven

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"like that's so stupid. who would even do that?" i heard the faint echo of sabrina's voice, though i was too preoccupied with my own thoughts to pay attention to whatever the fuck she was talking about.

two hours since my meeting with the principal and for those two hours i've been wracking my head about who snitched on miss eilish and i. sabrina was the only one who knew we were doing stuff, but she's not the type to tell anyone.


i watched her as she spoke, observing her. she seemed completely normal - something that she wouldn't be if she'd snitched. because lord knows sabrina is not good at hiding a guilty conscience.

but who else could it be? i didn't tell anyone else that there was something going on between miss eilish and i. hell, i didn't even tell sabrina the complete story. and we were so secretive, no one could've spotted us doing shit.

so how did word get out?

"hello?" i snapped out of my thoughts when sabrina snapped her fingers in front of me. "are you even listening to me?"

"sorry, i just um- sorry." i apologised as i shook my head and looked around the ground. it was pe and sabrina and i had decided to just sit and chat, but she'd been doing most of the chatting.

i looked back at her to see her head tilted to the side in concern and probably confusion. "what's going on? are you okay?"

i cleared my throat as i shook my head. "um, i was called to the principal's office earlier."

"oh right! yeah i meant to ask you about that. what happened?"

i let out a sharp breath before speaking "someone told her about miss eilish and i."

by the expression on sabrina's face, i knew for sure she was not behind this. because the look of sheer confusion on her face let me know that she had no idea what the fuck i was talking about.

"someone- what?" she asked, pure shock written all over her face. "the fuck you mean someone told the principal about miss eilish and you? and- and how did they even find out? all you did was kiss like four times!"

i sucked in a deep breath as i looked away from her and focused my gaze on the ground. "well, um, actually, a lot more happened that i didn't tell you about."

i took the look of curiosity on her face as a sign to continue. "we sorta admitted to liking each other."

"excuse me, what?!" she practically yelled and i held her hands to keep her quiet.

"shh, shut up!" i whisper-yelled, not wanting to attract attention because i'm a hundred percent sure that if people heard her scream in surprise, they'd want to know what was so shocking.

"right, right sorry." she whispered back. "but you did what? are you serious?"

i nodded. "dead serious. and- and we met up after school for like two days to basically just make out, but remember how she gave me lunchtime detention today?"

sabrina nodded curiously, waiting for me to continue. "i um- i..i found out that she hasn't broken up with ty yet." i swallowed hard as my breathing became heavy. "and when i asked her why, she..she uh- she called me a..casual fling."

i felt tears welling up in my eyes as i replayed that scene in my head, hurting all over again. sabrina seemed speechless as she just stared at me with wide eyes, her mouth hanging slightly open in shock.

i sucked in a deep, shaky breath as i shook my head, watching sabrina recover from her shock to mutter "what a bitch." under her breath.

i couldn't help but nod at her words, knowing it was true. she really was a bitch.

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