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i'm boredd, come over?

u can stay for dinner too if u want


be there in a bit

i shot out of bed as i made my way to the living room where i spotted mom watching tv.

"hey mom. can i go over to sabrina's?" i asked as i shoved my hands into my pockets.

she paused her tv show and looked at me with raised eyebrows. "have you finished your homework?"

"yup. all done." i replied as i shifted from one foot to another.

she nodded with a smile. "okay, you can go. don't stay out too late."

i gave her a quick hug before walking off. "i'm having dinner there!" i yelled out and closed the front door behind me.

sabrina's house was literally in the next street so i decided to walk. my lazy ass could use the exercise anyway.

it was still pretty bright outside so i began walking to her house with ease. i actually kinda miss sabrina, didn't see much of her at school today since we share only one class on tuesdays.

i like that we're getting closer now. sabrina is such a nice person, i'm so glad to be her friend.

i soon snapped out of my thoughts when i saw a familiar figure leaving the grocery shop in front of me with a bag in each hand.

it's the day after our little "friendly outing" and we haven't seen each other since. i don't have physics on tuesdays and we didn't run into each other in the hallways so this is the first time i'm seeing her since then.

she wore a tank top with baggy shorts, definitely not something i've seen her wear before. probably because the school would fire her the second she set foot in the building wearing something like that.

her arms were on full display. muscular arms, might i add.

now i understand why people find muscles hot because holy shit.

she seemed to be having a hard time carrying the two heavy bags of groceries so why not help her out?

"miss eilish?" i called out which made her stop and turn around, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

her face soon lit up as soon as she realized it was me who had called her and she immediately smiled. "y/n? hey!"

"need some help there?" i asked politely and she looked down at her groceries before looking back up at me, a shy smile on her lips.

"if you don't mind." she spoke and i nodded as i took a step towards her and grabbed one of the bags, slightly shocked at how heavy it was.

she now used her free hand to brush a strand of her black hair out of her face as we began walking. "are you just taking a walk in the neighborhood?" she questioned after a few seconds.

"i was actually heading over to sabrina's place, miss. it's quite closeby." i answered and she made an 'o' shape with her mouth while nodding.

"that's nice." she said as we walked in silence for a few more minutes.

i took this time to look over at her, my eyes scanning her gorgeous features. she has the prettiest side profile i swear to god. gives me butterflies everytime i look at her.

last night i came to the realization that i've had a big crush on her for a while now. no point in denying it anymore.

sucks that i can't act on it. she's probably like thirty years old (though she looks twenty) and she's my teacher. she could lose her job if i even tried anything.

"so i spoke to ander about you tutoring him." miss eilish broke the silence and i scrunched my nose up at the thought of him.

i'd actually forgotten about the tutoring if i'm being completely honest.

"he's up for it, seems pretty excited actually." she said with a laugh and i let out a nervous chuckle. "he said he'd text you and figure out the timings and everything."

text me? how the fuck would he text me? he doesn't have my number and i don't think he's on instagram. or any other social media, for that matter.

but nonetheless, i nodded. "sounds good miss." i replied and involuntarily walked a little closer to her.

fine. maybe it was voluntary.

her fingers slowly brushed against mine as i felt myself blush while looking down at our hands. i did not realize we were this close.

i then looked up at her and noticed the smile on her lips before she raised her hand up to brush her hair out of her face.

she turned to look at me and her pretty blue eyes met mine as an even bigger smile took over her face. she then brought her hand back to it's original place near her body, making sure to brush it against mine once again before turning back to face the road.

i let out a soft sigh as i looked straight ahead as well, trying to suppress the feeling in my stomach.

"we're almost there. i'm sorry for bothering you with this." miss eilish said a few minutes later and i nodded.

"you're not bothering me."

i looked over at her and she already had her eyes on me, smiling sweetly before looking away. oh my god, her smile is the cutest thing ever.

it took us only a few more minutes to reach her house and i followed behind her to the front door. she rang the doorbell with her free hand as we waited for someone to open the door.

weird. i thought she lived alone.

the door soon swung open and revealed a tall man with a smile on his lips, his jet black hair falling to his eyes.

"hey billie." he smiled as he took the bag from her, not before pecking her lips though.

what the fuck?

i felt my heart drop to my ass as miss eilish pulled him in for another quick kiss before turning back to face me.

but my attention was on the older man who seemed to not be able to take his eyes off my teacher.

"here, give me that." she smiled as i turned my attention back to her and she took the bag from me and placed it near the door. "thank you for helping me out."

"yeah uh, no problem." i mumbled before giving her a quick smile. "see you later." and those were my last words before i rushed out of there.

miss eilish has a..boyfriend?



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