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"i saw your teacher today." my eyes shot up from my phone as i looked at my mom who'd just entered the house after making a trip to the grocery store.

"what? who?"

"the one we met the other day during that meeting at your school." she spoke as she set the groceries down on the table and i furrowed my eyebrows as i thought back to that day.

oh fuck.

"miss eilish." i said softly as i watched her nod.

"yeah, her. apparently she lives really close by." she continued and i could only nod slowly as i went back on my phone.

"so i invited her over for dinner tonight."

i almost choked on my own saliva as i looked at mom with wide eyes, panic surging through my body.

"you- what?" i stuttered out in disbelief as i just stared at her. "why would you do that?!"

she blinked a few times, seemingly stunned at my reaction. "well we spoke and we got along so i thought why not invite her?" she said as she tilted her head to the side. "i expected you to be happier about this. you're the one who always goes on and on about her and how she's your favourite teacher."

"that was two weeks ago! people change." i said as i tugged at my hair. "god, i can't believe you invited her over!"

"what's the big deal?" mom asked as she furrowed her brows. "i mean, isn't this a good thing? isn't being on good terms with your teacher going to help you out?"

"not when it's her!" i yelled as i stood up and stared at her. "i don't need to be on good terms with her! couldn't you have at least asked me before just inviting her over?"

"calm down, y/n. i can just uninvite her. i have her number from that pta meeting." she reached for her phone and my eyes grew wide.

"no!" i exclaimed and she looked up at me in surprise.

"so you don't want her to come over but you don't want me to uninvite her either? y/n what do you want me to do!"

"just..forget it. you've already invited her. no need to uninvite her now." i mumbled as i sat back down and leaned back on the sofa.

"i really don't get it." mom said as she placed her phone on the counter and walked over to me. "i thought you liked her? you said she was the best teacher you've ever had?" she took a seat next to me and i rolled my eyes.

"things have..changed. i don't know. i'm just- i'll be in my room." i quickly said as i stood up and walked over to my room, ignoring the faint calls from my mom.

i just finished an hour of detention with her and now i have to sit at dinner with her?? not to mention, we kinda kissed. and then she spoke to ty.

yeah that was terrible.

the only good thing that came out of detention is that i got to cancel tutoring for today. thank god i didn't have to spend more time with him than i'm obliged to at school.

a sigh leaving my lips, i fell face first on my bed as i grabbed a pillow and squeezed it over my head. i couldn't help but groan out loud as i turned over and huffed.

and then it hit me.

what am i going to wear?

not that it matters. i mean, i don't want to impress her or anything. obviously. i just..want to look presentable for my teacher.

i jumped out of bed as i went over to my closet, my lips pursed to the side as i tried figuring out what to wear.

now i understand what people mean when they say they have nothing to wear even when their closet is filled with clothes. because i have nothing to wear.

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