twenty one

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from the moment miss eilish walked me to class and spoke to my history teacher to make up an excuse as to why i was late, conan and sabrina have been eyeing me curiously. but i know i'm not supposed to say anything so i've been ignoring their glances the whole time.

"okay! that's it for today. but i have an assignment for you." the teacher spoke and i took out my notebook to note it down. sabrina did so at the same time as well and we locked eyes, her curiosity clear on her face.

"did you just get laid?"

"why is that always your go-to question?" i asked with a slight laugh, remembering she'd asked me the exact same thing a few days ago.

"so you did get laid." she said with a cheeky grin and i shook my head immediately.

"well no, not exactly." i mumbled and she tilted her head to the side.

"who'd you make out with?"

"sabrina!" i whisper-yelled which made her raise her arms up in defense.

"fine, don't tell me." she gave me a playful eyeroll before we grabbed our books and sat up straight.

and that's when i realized that bri and i had completely missed the assignment, not having heard the teacher since we were having our own quiet conversation. i cannot afford to fall back, i've already not been doing that great as it is.

a groan falling from my lips, i turned to conan. "cone." i poked the side of his arm which made him turn to face me with furrowed brows.


"did you note down the assignment?" i asked in a desparate attempt to start focusing on school again.

"me? paying attention in class? yeah right." he said with a laugh as he shook his head. "there's a better chance of you getting miss eilish to fuck you."

i felt my face flush at his words, knowing damn well that was a possibility now. but of course i kept that to myself as i looked around the class to find someone who would've actually written stuff down.

half the class was chatting away to glory while a good portion of the rest was asleep. and unfortunately for me, the only person i talk to who would've written down notes is ander.

damn it.

i took a deep breath before slowly standing up and making my way towards his table, watching his eyes light up when he saw me.

a forced smile on my lips, i stood in front of him before clearing my throat. "hey so i kinda didn't listen when she was talking about the assignment. any chance you wrote it down?"

"yeah, here you go." he grinned before handing his notebook to me and i smiled before quickly jotting it down.

"thank you."

"of course. anything for you." he said with a wink and i gave him a nervous, uncomfortable chuckle. "so anyway, since our tutoring session was cancelled yesterday because you had detention, you think we can have it today?"

"uh," i began, really not wanting to spend time with him especially since he's been pesturing me to talk about our outfits to the dance. "i don't know." i mumbled, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"please? i really need your help. i suck at physics, you know that. i can't afford to fail another test."

i pursed my lips to the side as i stared at him, thinking it over. exhaling slowly, i nodded. "fine."

"really? thank you, oh my god! and maybe you can stay some time extra so that we can discuss outfit choices for the dance!" he exclaimed as he clapped and i mentally facepalmed.

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